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"Pope John Paul II said ... using genetically modified organisms to increase production was contrary to God's will. He told farmers worldwide to
"resist the temptation of high productivity and profit that work to the detriment of the respect of nature ... when (farmers) forget this basic principle and become tyrants of the earth rather than its custodians ... sooner or later the earth rebels. ... [Iif modern farming techniques} don't reconcile themselves with the simple language of nature in a healthy balance, the life of man will run ever greater risks, of which already we are seeing worrying signs.
Others agree:
"The large-scale release of transgenic organisms is much worse than nuclear weapons or radioactive nuclear wastes, as genes can replicate indefinitely, spread and recombine. There may yet be time enough to stop the industry's dreams of turning into nightmares if we act now, before the critical genetic 'melt-down' is reached." -- Mae-Wan Ho
"I never imagined people would patent plants and animals. It's fundamentally immoral ... That violates the integrity of life itself, and our deepest sense of morality." -- President, Guaymi General Congress
Ethical Guidelines for Biotechnology: "Responsibility for future generations requires maintaining the genetic integrity of all peoples and not using or studying their genes or those of their indigenous species without their express permission, truly informed consent and suitable compensation."
"Transgenes transferred into the wider environment cannot be tracked down ... A ripple effect on other species will take place, even if it cannot be predicted when such an effect will occur, to what extent, or in which species." -- Ricarda A Steinbrecher
"... [T]hese newly introduced microbial proteins is uncertain, unpredictable and untestable." -- Dr Nestle