All I have to say to that is: "duh!"
When I ran against Nancy Pelosi, I wasn't supported by the "movement," but someone promising more war (Obama) was.
After I lost my Congressional race, struggling for relevancy in a post-Bush world (where the wars, police state oppression, USA PATRIOT ACT, and protecting the Bush regime remained the norm), I felt very, very alone in the unfounded euphoric mood of the movement.
I never stopped! In 2009, I visited 50 cities on my Myth America book tour.
In the summer of 2009, I traveled to Martha's Vineyard to ask Obama the same question that I asked Bush in 2005: "For what noble cause?" And I was invited to Sweden and Norway to join their peace movements in protesting the continuing wars.
In 2010, we began the year with a rally in front of CIA HQ in Virginia to protest the use of drones in bombing civilians in Pakistan--then we tried to form and maintain two peace camps in DC: one in March and one in July. I was even arrested in March in front of the White House and had a stay-away order from the White House area imposed upon me -- after spending 52 hours in DC jail! A trial in July acquitted me of the charges.
Right now, I am in the middle of making a documentary about grass-roots revolution in Venezuela called: Revolution, A Love Story--and I have done all these things while producing, hosting and presenting the most radical and intelligent show on the web called: Cindy Sheehan's Soapbox.
I haven't stopped and I never will until this Empire is firmly on it's way to Peace.
As I struggle for peace, I also struggle to make ends meet -- not being a sellout to the system means that I can't be bought -- even though that would make life materially easier for me, it would be difficult to live with myself.
I can only stay in the struggle with your help.
Sometimes, I get discouraged with the constant struggle where it seems we make little progress, but then I remember everyone who has resisted in the past and all they have sacrificed for me.
I vow to do the same.