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Life Arts    H4'ed 6/15/14

ALisa Starkweather: The Empowerment of the Feminine and Natural Minds

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Burl Hall
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Daughter of the Earth
Daughter of the Earth
(Image by ALica Starkweather)
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There has been much ado regarding the feminine in the past couple of decades"especially since the rebellious 60's. Yes, women's liberation came through with triumphant musings about equal rights for women. And, it went further than this. Women began to see their power in being women.

May God help us men and hunker down with us! Wait a minute! Could there be some goodies in this for us men too? Especially those of us in the so-called "labor classes". What is labor if not a feminine function to bring forth production?

There was nowhere that this empowerment went unrecognized: it was in spirituality, in the feminine being the foundations of culture, in our reclaiming our sense of Nature (and thus ourselves), and in questioning the male-female relationship in relationship to the human-Nature relationship.

Nature means Essence. Nature is the Self. And what is the body, the one typing and the one reading, if not a woman's egg that has morphed into a human being?

Who is our foundation? Interesting, a girl is born with 2 "XX" chromosomes and a male with a "Y" and an "X." It appears that the male has one of the legs of the "X" missing making it a "Y." Could we extrapolate what that extra leg became? Make for a neat myth, you think? So much for the rib, this one would be more fun!

So, what happened?

Yes, it appears that when God says in Genesis 1 of the Bible that "the Man shall rule over you" he apparently meant the planet in addition to women. Earth, Nature and women were surrendered to the rule of a dominating Adam. And what have we gotten under this rule?



Get the pattern regarding what gift top-down patriarchy has given us? Thank God for Rob Kall's bottom up idea.

I must say, it goes through my mind, "geeze, I've put these images up before." And I hear the critiques"ok, so I'm repeating myself. I MEAN to repeat myself because until we GET the devastation to the environment and the psyches of people--men, women, children, and Nature--then I will continue to put the results of our mindsets and behaviors out there for us to look at. It sure ain't pretty, is it? I'm not into pretty these days.

What the hell have we become? Do you not see that the devastation and abuse inherent in the above picture is simply reflective of what we are? The abuse of men, women and children is ONE with the abuse of the planet. Thus, our minds are a wasteland in the grips of their rationalism, corporatism, reductionism, and dictatorial regimes with ministers humping the Bible behind a uplifted and staged podium. These are all one. We are the wasteland projecting ourselves onto everything else.

Put a picture of Bush, Reagan, Clinton, or Obama in front of you. Look into the wasteland of their sociopathic corporate controlled eyes.

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Burl Hall is a retired counselor who is living in a Senior Citizen Housing apartment. Burl has one book to his credit, titled "Sophia's Web: A Passionate Call to Heal our Wounded Nature." For more information, search the book on Amazon. (more...)
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