Thoreau said it was a tragedy for anyone to kill a moose. The gentle, harmless creatures reminded him of "great frightened rabbits," and he was greatly saddened when he saw one shot. Most well-educated people, and all kind-hearted people of any or even no education, would likely agree with Thoreau. The hard part is reaching those who either have no hearts and/or little education. (I daresay less than one in ten Americans would even know who Thoreau is nowadays.) And unfortunately, we have plenty of those sorts of human in America today, people who equate killing with strength, and have absolutely no empathy whatsoever for the suffering of other species.
I had just started to get over my panic about Palin's pushing McCain to the top when I heard that Bush is making a big new push into Pakistan looking for Osama bin Laden. I firmly believe that Bush could have caught him years ago, but was "saving" him up for an opportune moment, either for political reasons, or for his personal "legacy." What is so terrifying for the world now is, if Bush catches or kills bin Laden at this time, the great moronic bulk of voters would blindly wave the flag and put McCain into office. (Where - does anyone doubt it - he would be surreptitiously done away with, so the cute moose-murderer could become the next pawn of corporate greed-meisters who have ruined this nation under the Bush-pawn.)
So, needless to say, I am praying for Osama's continued elusiveness. I am fully aware that this may put me on Homeland (In)Security's hit list, but what does it matter? If the Republicans get into office again, the world won’t be worth living in, anyway.
Walter Brasch is an award-winning journalist and professor of journalism emeritus. His current books are Before the First Snow: Stories from the Revolution , America's Unpatriotic Acts: The Federal Government's Violation of (more...)