What glorious statesmen: our President and Congress, to let our foremost corporations deplete and pollute the environment we leave to our children! And then, when bubbles burst, they give us "stimulus"- to be paid back by our kids on increased national debt. Beggar our kids to bribe us to vote in their contrived, minimally democratic, two-party "election."- Sickening! Incumbents should do pennance by passing a law disgorging all their PAC money to deficit reduction!
Work to cut off funding to bin Laden, secure nukes (like North Korea's) and secure the homeland? Sure. But keeping a secular regime in Afghanistan remains sinfully proud and crazy. Bin Laden trained 10 "" 20,000 ordinary fighters there, but like the weapons grade uranium, and anthrax, essential knowledge, skills and the planes used in the 9/11 attacks all were American in origin. Like Dr. Frankenstein, we create the monsters that are turned on us.
Afghanistan: it's bigger than Iraq, more rural, with God-forsaken terrain. With U.S. help, it kicked the Soviet's out. The Russians can do it to us. If we endlessly occupy Afghanistan, the choice won't be war or a "peace dividend."- Eventually, in a resource-depleted world, it'll be deficit reduction hyper-taxation, or deep entitlement cuts to Social Security, Medicare, etc.
Washington has committed $1 - $2 trillion to its prideful war reaction to the unique 9/11 act. Foreign financiers of our deficits (Chinese, Arabs, etc.) have now been caught with American "bad paper,"- financial stocks, and depreciating dollar - denominated Treasuries. They won't recycle weakening dollars forever. A couple more decades of such bipartisan "statesmanlike"- war and deficit spending and we'll have a Depression worse than 1929. Afghanistan? Forgetaboutitstan!