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America is going into the tank

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Sandy Shanks
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   McCain's selection of Gov. Sarah Palin of Alaska as his running mate was the straw that broke the camel's back as far as I am concerned. I am the epitome of the Angry American.

   The 2008 election is one of the most historic in the life of our great nation. It will answer the question: Who will succeed the imperial Presidency of George W. Bush? In my view, although a Republican, but an American first, a Democratic victory is essential for the very survival of our country. Try to envision a Republican victory and how the world, including our allies and our enemies, would view such an outcome. Such an outcome would provide redemption for Bush policies that include the invasion of a country simply because it has the second largest oil reserves and an assault on our very form of government, the highly revered American Constitution.

   America is the lone superpower on Earth. Just one of our fourteen CBG's (Carrier Battle Groups) could rival all but a handful of other military powers in the world today. That does not include our unrivaled air force. America spends more on it's defense budget than all other nations ... combined. And yet, today, I am thinking, what is this? A game? We are talking about the American Presidency here, and both major parties have not only come up short. Despite the enormous significance of the '08 elections and the power of the American Presidency, their choices as to who will inherit that office is nothing short of pathetic. I might begin with the oldest candidate in our history, at 72, but McCain is not the point. However, it is noted that the Presidency ages a person dramatically, and part of the issue is that McCain, if elected, may not survive his Presidency, and he could win. The polls are quite close. Statistically, as we speak, it is a dead heat.

   And that is almost surreal, considering the disastrous Bush Presidency. How could that be? The answer lies in the Democratic Party's selection of the nominee to represent their party, Barack Hussein Obama. At the outset, I wish to mention that I am not a bigot, although that is for others to judge. Moreover, considering the alternative, consequences of which are mentioned above, I will cast my vote for Obama with trembling fingers because I consider experience for any job, particularly the American Presidency, to be a pre-requisite. However, my vote is not the point. The Obama candidacy is. Despite the availability of powerful, experienced, and intelligent candidates like Richardson, Biden, and Dodd the Democratic party chose a junior Senator with all of 16 months of experience in the Senate, a black with an excellent education, a virtual rock star as its candidate. Education is not experience. Education prepares one for experience. Did I say "black?" Thousands upon thousands of white voters will not vote for Obama simply because he is black, issues notwithstanding. Then there is the fact that each of the Democratic candidate's monikers are Arabic, and our relationships with Arabs aren't too good these days. There are some who will be reluctant, after the overthrow of the Saddam Hussein regime, to vote for a candidate whose name includes Hussein. There are people who think like that. So, one can seriously question why the Democratic Party selected a young, inexperienced, black candidate with Arabic names and a Muslim dad to be their candidate, knowing full-well that perception is everything and knowledge and expertise are not hallmarks of the American voter. Witness to this unalterable fact is that Americans re-elected a totally incompetent President in 2004 because the Democratic Party selected a substandard candidate, John Kerry, a documented war protester during a time of war.

   The Republican Party now draws my wrath with McCain's selection of Sarah Palin as his running mate. I wish to preclude my remarks on Palin with an overview of this remarkable woman. What is obviously apparent is that she is a very attractive, intelligent woman who speaks her mind.. She is a hockey mom, a two-term mayor of a place called Wasilla, a town of about 6,500 people about 30 clicks north of Anchorage, is active in the PTA, 44-years old, and has five kids. She is a first term governor of Alaska, youngest ever to be elected to that position in Alaska and has an 80% approval rating in Alaska. Sarah is a former high school basketball star, a beauty contestant, a fishing expert, a crack markswoman, a proven hunter, and a member of the NRA. Put a different way, she is Everywoman. Her reputation as governor is fighting the oil corporations and the politically powerful, especially within her own party. Democrats are an endangered species in Alaska.

   That said, and I certainly respect Sarah, but Sarah is not even close to being prepared to be President of the United States. As mentioned above, there is a distinct possibility that McCain, if elected, may not survive his four years in office, or may become disabled, invoking the 25th Amendment. In either case, the attractive Sarah now becomes President Palin. She is totally unfamiliar with the environs of Washington, the complexities of the American economy, Washingtonian politics, and the foreign environment of which Washington plays a huge part. I have a hard time envisioning this enchanting woman handling our own Joint Chiefs of Staffs who often have their own agenda, let alone the likes of Putin, Ahmadinejad and his superiors, the Ayatollahs of Iran, North Korea's Kim Jong Il, and China's leaders. If something happens to McCain, if elected, I just don't see President Palin being able to handle this bunch.

   One columnist stated that Sarah's qualifications as a hockey mom and PTA activist was just fine with him. He argued that the traditional qualifications for the office of the Vice-President gave us Dick Cheney. That is an inane argument. It is not every election where Americans elect a dunce for a President teamed with a powerful, Machiavellian figure like Cheney. In point of fact, the Bush Presidency is unique in that respect.

   All blame goes to the Democratic Party and an election it was theirs to lose. Americans may vote wrongly on Nov. 4. The problem is: Voting wrongly is either ticket. The Democrats are gambling on making history at a uniquely inappropriate time.

Perhaps others will understand my angst.

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I am the author of two novels, "The Bode Testament" and "Impeachment." I am also a columnist who keeps a wary eye on other columnists and the failures of the MSM (mainstream media). I was born in Minnesota, and, to this day, I love the Vikings (more...)
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