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OpEdNews Op Eds    H3'ed 8/14/15

An American Born Syrian Speaks Out

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Deena Stryker
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Today in response to my article http://www.opednews.com/articles/Scandinavia-Joins-the-Crow-by-Deena-Stryker-America_Christianity_Class_Copper-150813-229.html, I received this: [tag]

File:Abraham Ortelius Map of Europe.jpg - Wikimedia Commons
File:Abraham Ortelius Map of Europe.jpg - Wikimedia Commons
(Image by (From Wikimedia) Abraham Ortelius  (1527–1598)    / Orteliusmaps.com, Author: See Source)
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"My husband is one of 10 children. Of that large extended family, many have taken the boats to Europe now. Some are in Sweden, Denmark, Italy and Germany. Several are in Turkey. None of these people needed to leave Syria. They were all living in safe, violence free zones (Latakia on the coast). None of them had been attacked or threatened or were in any danger from Syrian government, or police, etc.
Why did they leave? They left homes and cars and possessions here in order to take up the offer of FREE money and housing in Europe. They had been sure that once in Europe they will be given free medical, education, housing, food and provided for in every way forever. They think of Europe as "El Dorado". There is also a large dose of jealousy involved, as they saw their neighbors going and they didn't want to be left behind. Syrian hate to see someone else get a good deal, and not get a piece of the pie themselves.
They left behind a peaceful area, security, free medical, free education (including University all the way to PhD). They left behind total religious freedom.
It is true that the safe coastal area may soon be attacked and everyone slaughtered, so perhaps they are smart to leave, and I am the stupid one to remain.
My point is this: there are real Syrian refugees. These are people who are against the government for political reasons: they want an Islamic State, and the government refuses to give up their secular form of gov't, which is 40 years old. There are refugees who have lost homes, cars, farms, possessions, etc. There are Syrian refugees who really would be better off in Europe. However, if you examine the Syrian refugees abroad, you will find a large number are not there because of political or economic hardships. Many are there for reasons other than the typical refugee criteria. Many are opportunists who saw a chance to get a free lunch and grabbed it with both hands.
Lastly, I wonder how long it will take Sweden and Germany, and other places in Europe, before they ask all Syrian to leave immediately. Will it be 1 year, 5 years or more? The Lebanese gov't is already to the point of departing the 2 million there. Turkey is trying to establish a 'safe-zone' in Syria in order to depart all the Syrians to there."
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Born in Phila, I spent most of my adolescent and adult years in Europe, resulting over time in several unique books, my latest being Russia's Americans.

CUBA: Diary of a Revolution, Inside the Cuban Revolution with Fidel, Raul, Che, and Celia Sanchez

Lunch with Fellini, Dinner with Fidel: An Illustrated Personal Journey from the Cold War to the Arab Spring


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