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Another Crack in Potemkin Tripoli Appears: Youth Group Stages Dawn Protest in Tripoli against Gaddafi

By Press Release  Posted by (about the submitter)
( Free Libya )

To hear Gaddafi and his propagandists describe it, all of Tripoli is joyfully united behind their "beacon of light", as he has extolled himself. The reality is very different, however. Through extreme intimidation and violence, the repressive facade has been created of a peaceful Tripoli united behind his regime, in a word, a Potemkin Village scenario.

However, at extreme risk to their freedom and lives, which is why they are masked, these young men and women of Tripoli have, in the following video, dared to speak out to the world against Gaddafi. Directly below it is the translation, provided by al Jazeera.

In the name of Allah most merciful...

Here we are the city of Tripoli Revolutionaries, we say again ... We are here ... We are standing.

At a time when we protest again, after the loss of hundreds of martyrs amongst us from Tajurah, Suq El Jumma, Mizran, Fashloum, and Martyr square.

And at a time when Gaddaffi's battalions continue to persecute and apprehend thousands of revolutionaries in every district of Tripoli and without discrimination, from Tajura to Saraj, and from Suq El Jumma and Arrada to Al Seyahiya to Ghout El shaal and Abu Nawas to 2 Maris, and from  Gergarish and Hay Al andalus and Dredi and Hadabah to Furnaj, Zanata ,Ben Ashour and Dahra, and from Sidi Khalifa and Almansura to Ain Zara and Airport Road and to all other areas without exceptions.

These are our streets, and these are our alleys , for we vow to you shameful and disgraceful Gaddafi, not you nor your battalions, nor your snipers, nor your mercenaries however many they are, will not terrify us  anymore, and we will not back down on our revolution and up rise no matter how greater the sacrifice.

For this city with its students and professors and universities and businessmen and fishermen and doctors and those who witnessed you crimes on February 20th , the day that your revenge reached the highest limits of murdering the injured of those who did not die on site during the demonstrations on Martyrs Square, where those who did not fall from your machine guns in the streets were pursued by your gunmen in the emergency rooms and intensive care units of the hospitals in Tripoli. This city will not allow you to make it weak, easy nor vulnerable ever again.

The Libyans may have been tolerant to the exploitation and abuse of this insane system, in fear of its tyranny and infinite madness, but now that the fear barrier has been broken and shrivelled in the events of the last few weeks, we are thus continuing in the path of freedom and Tripoli will remain a burning flame under his feet and those who follow him.

We will not shout, nor will we tense up as Gaddaffi did in the utmost level of his weakness and vulnerability, but we will maintain our composure and the confidence of the strong, convinced of the nearness of victory and triumph god willing.

The dictator has polluted the language of speech with his cheap synonyms and pitiful descriptions, as he sees people from his point of view, and where we only see him as insolvent, desperate and defeated, becoming himself the terrified rat, spending his days in tunnels and his nights between cellars.

He destroyed the safe country with his ruining alleged leadership, which only led to war, underdevelopment, disability and a country under siege... But now we will take control of the leadership, and we have identified his demise, and we have planned the way for our salvation with no return.

A salute and tribute of respect and glory to the free Libyan revolutionaries everywhere, those who gave an example of gallantry and courage.

We put our hands together with, and renew our support and solidarity to the National Transitional Council, and affirm our support on all its blessed steps and actions.

Glory to Tripoli the capital and eternal glory to our honourable martyrs.


To give you an example of the intense emotions and feelings driving the political AND cultural revolution in Libya against an absolute dictator, check out this video by Lowkey:

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