Well, two nights ago Michelle Bachman, the Republican Minnesotan of extreme evangelical bent, used the words that Sarah Palin, the Republican Alaskan who has been declared 'annointed' to head the country by a Kenyan witch-hunter preacher, hadn't yet dared to utter. She said that people in this country who thought differently than she does about the world are 'anti-American'.
And synopsized the entire struggle we are up against in a nutshell.
On one side of this struggle are the 'deciders', the people who have an immovable vision of how their world should be, the people whose world has no room for change, growth, different opinions, or actual freedom because it is the world of Rules. Their world is ordained by their authority figures, be they evangelical preachers, heads of parties, oil company executives, or The Bible [as they have it], and any variance from their interpretation of that rulebook is of course against it- and therefore 'anti'. This is their approach to 'safety'- since the world is ordained and ruled and controlled by their Big Boss [of course it's the Almighty God, who could argue with Him?], they are covered. And since they are arrogant enough to assume that only their vision is from the Divine, and only their approach to the world is of importance, they appropriate the moniker 'American' [all that's good and holy about it] for themselves and add the gloss of patriotism to the wrappings on their tiny little mental box. And it is therefore only logical that those who oppose their packaged view are 'anti' 'American'.
Those of us who are 'anti' the packaged version of Reality which has brought us two endless wars, a destroyed economy, a potentially destroyed nation, a schism between reason and faith, unworkable dogmas in active policy, and a population so ill-educated that they do not even know what facts are- let alone the Truth- those of us who are 'anti' The Big Illusion would do very well to start poking the people who are asleep or hypnotized in an effort to get them up and moving out of this burning theater now.
The clarity of intent behind Bachman's moronic, age-old assertion- that she is an 'us', and everybody who disagrees with her is a 'them'- that intent has been seen over and over again throughout history, and whenever it surfaces, it is the lead-in to other much more horrifying events, because it is the alarm bell that the hubris of the dogmatists has hit critical mass.
As if the total suppression of human rights and liberties by truthless [never mind Godless] manipulators for the purposes of their own megalomaniacal advancement weren't horrifying enough in the abstract and scattered praxis where we've seen it, now they seek to put in harness the zombie drones they've created with their endless misinformation, and use them against those of us who think outside their box.
The 'deciders' have come out of the closet, which means that they think they're powerful enough to act. I really don't want them to. Do you?