My name is Cathy Alexander, age 52, from Tennessee. Here is my story: MY BATTLE WITH ASPARTAME POISON.
In 2005 I had an operation on my abdomen, and there were 100 days of recovery time.
A week after I got up one morning and my legs folded under me. I could not walk and my mind was so cloudy I could not remember what day it was. I was very frightened because I had never felt this way before, not once in my entire life! I would hold on to whatever was near, holding unto the walls to get down the hall to the bathroom, falling along the way.
I was so scared: I had never felt this way before. I had no insurance. I went to 3 different ER's at three different county hospitals. First, they all thought I was on drugs or drunk and I wasn't. With all kinds of testing they could not find anything.
I had to come up with the money to go to a Neurologist who tested me and did spinal taps. Nothing showed up. So the neurologist and another doctor said it was acute cerebellitis and that I would be better in about 6 months. By that time it was the same or even worse.
I had no balance or any motor skills. It was like my muscles were soft and did not work. I do not take prescriptions for nervous or antidepressants, but I was very shaky and very depressed. I did not care to live.
I would wake up and cry because I was still here another day. I was clumsy, dizzy, and suffered from blurred and double vision. I could not remember anything from the day before. My speech was slurred. I had to have around the clock care, so my best friend took care of me. I almost lost all my hearing and eyesight.
The doctors gave me all kinds of medications but nothing worked. I used a walker for a while and even then I would be walking across the yard and just fall, like mini strokes, 5 to 10 times a day.
My best friend heard the famous Aspartame/Neurologist, Dr. Russell Blaylock on a short wave radio telling about Aspartame and symptoms, and how to test to see if it is what you have. So i went back to talk to my own physician, Dr. Lewis
I told my doctor "When this first hit me, you asked me how many diet drinks I had a day.I did not lie to him but said at least one or two a day. He asked me to stop but I never did until the day came when I went back to him I told him i did not tell him the whole truth, that I drink 5 or more daily, as well as many other sugarfree products, Crystal Lite, and sugarfree gum, all having aspartame in it.
He told me to get off all aspartame for 90 days. That is the same thing Dr. Blaylock said to do. So I did. After about four weeks, my eyesight and hearing got better. My pain had lessened as it was before all this happened.
My doctor knew all about Aspartame poison. He had done research on it a few years ago when his wife was sick from it. The last 9 months I had kidneystone problems. I never reported this to my kidney doctor because so many doctors don't believe in aspartame poisoning, or even appear to have the slightest understanding of what should have been obvious among their patients, with so many identical symptoms, all deriving from their use of "diet" products.
About two months I told my kidney doctor about me having aspartame poisoning awhile back. He said he wished he had known because then he would known something different to try for my stones. I have had 21 kidney stone operations in the last nine months.
The doctor thought my body was making the acid that makes the stones. But the poison shut down the tubes that filters the acid to and from my kidneys. So he doubled my medications for stones; now they have almost all of them.
I have always been a hard worker, quick thinking, and never forgotful. I could go to stores and start talking to anyone about anything. I never met a stranger. I was a sales person many years and was really proficient. I had that kind of outgoing personality.
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