Today T he Indepdent reports that Iraq's oil output is expected to quadruple in the next ten years. This will make it the world's biggest oil exporter and give the conquered U.S. puppet a stronger influence over world oil prices.
The two recent events that are responsible for this projected surge are the disaster in the Gulf of Mexico that was caused by BP's (at best) criminal neglience spooking companies awayfrom deep-sea drilling, and the recent sanctions that were imposed on Iran by the UN to punish Iran for its non-existent nuclear weapons program. Because Iraq's drilling is done offshore and because Iran's oil production is expected to drop when its oil fields become depleted and aren't replaced, this will leave Iraq in a prime position to take the world's top spot as its number one supplier of black gold.
It appears the Iraqi government is following the advice of Rahm Emanuel in not letting a serious crisis go to waste...or in this case two. In what's being called "the great Iraqi oil rush" major oil companies are scurrying to gain control of the fields, establishing headquarters in Basra which, like muchof Iraq's southern region, holds a rich supply of oil reserves.
By imposing sanctions on Iran and politicizing the Gulf disaster the Obama administration has managed to make George Bush's war an even more profitable one, scoring another victory for the Democrat-Republican political tag team whose foreign policy remains unchanged, despite the presidential election sideshow that was played out in 2008.
Meanwhile, Iraq has failed to select a new prime minister. The Independent writes that this power vacuum threatens to create a resurgence in violence that could hamper U.S. plans for withdrawal, failing to mention that the current "withdrawal" plan would leave around 50,000 American troops still in place. This would allow the U.S. to protect the valuable assets it killed its own soldiers and over a million Iraqis obtaining, while telling Americans that the occupation of Iraq is over and that Obama made good on his promise to end the war.