There's a new message on the WEB: "The Must Read Book of 2012: Bailout".
Odds are you won't. Odds are you won't even endure the 14 minute web presentation (See link below). I did, but frankly admit to not understanding much of it.
But that's what the "system" depends upon, and that's what insures that millions of Americans will get foreclosed, evicted, lose their jobs, impoverished again -- and then be held accountable to bail out (read: reward) the criminals responsible -- again.
And I do comprehend that the $700 Billion or so in TARP money that the government admits to is but the tip of the iceberg, and that the actual amount of our money gifted to the banksters was somewhere between 17 and 24 Trillion Bucks, including from Treasury, the Federal Reserve, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac -- and when pressed, the various "experts" will admit to that, then obfuscate the precise amount by debating incomprehensibly where it could be between those ranges, or cite that most of this was actually "loans." There is some contaminated truth there: "loans" at one-quarter of one percent (and then unmentioned) with which the banksters could turn around and buy treasury bonds/notes to yield many times (times 12? 14? 16?) that rate from the people's treasure, thereby invisibly multiplying their booty.
But that's not the worst part. With the election soon upon us, the worst part is that most voters will take this to be a partisan issue, that is that the "other side" are the bad guys and "our side" are the good guys, or at least the lesser-bad guys, and they will fix all this!
Nonsense. This is no longer a partisan issue, but something much more serious. This is an issue of American government corrupted by greed interests, with no substantial difference between the corruption of "their" party and the corruption of "our" party. Wherever this all started, this corruption was given its big boost by the Clinton administration with the nullification of the Glass-Steagall Act, which theretofore -- and since 1933 -- had mandated that a financial institution could not be both a commercial bank and an investment bank. With that wall now penetrated, the banksters took every advantage of the calculated and endorsed absence of oversight by the Bush administration to gift our economy to the fate of bankster gamesmanship and unconscionable personal rewards. But this did not end with the election of Obama and a Democrat majority of both houses of Congress in 2008. Quite the contrary, it continued to flourish regardless of some congressional show hearings, and -- most damning of all -- despite the poisonous mortgages and resultant forecloses, homelessness, loss of personal savings, endemic unemployment, and now the LIBOR scandal (addressed somewhat by English authorities but never investigated here) while the Democrat Attorney General for the past four years has indicted not a single bankster for their fraud to the advantage of unprecedented personal rewards -- and this yet maintains!
This problem, then, is not Democrats nor Republicans. The problem is that the American Government has been purchased by greed interests, and it will continue to serve those interests as long as the electorate so allows, and this situation will maintain for as long as we are convinced that it's the "other side's" fault, that is that partisanship is the cure for our ills -- which is precisely the diversion that the greed interests and their indentured government wants, plans and executes.
As I understand from the clip, "Bailout"s author advises that rather than more divisive and feckless political partisanship, what is required is public rage, that is a genuine people's stimulus to move on indentured government and its corrupt greed masters.
How do we do this? Well, it's not going to be fixed by running about with signs for Romney or Obama. Perhaps we could start by boosting the visible support (of course we won't "win" this time) for more credible candidates in the people's best interest rather the deluded party's. Who? My personal list to consider would be such as: Dennis Kucinich, Bernie Sanders, Rocky Anderson, Ralph Nader, Jill Stein, Alan Grayson, and even such non-politicos as Chris Hedges and Noam Chomsky. But you should pick your own, remembering that you the people will not win this time but we can set the stage to work our minds off to get to a decent solution and -- not a Democrat or Republican -- a people's government uncorrupted by massive greed interest by 2016.
Yes, it's a long and tough road. Let's go for it!