Do my fellow Americans realize how much President Obama is taking this country for a ride? If they don't realize it yet, they will. When citizens' eyes open to this situation, they will not stand for his continued tenure. He is unlikely to be re-elected because "there's no there, there." Instead of solving anything, he is perpetuating the most key and fundamental problems that weigh down upon America's working men and women.
In recent days in editorial writing, I've swung hard at Hillary Clinton, the Obama Secretary of State. Sold out news media have trumpeted her "new candor" in diplomacy, which the Chinese interpret as weakness. Has there been candor from Clinton recently? Yes, in fact. One can give her credit for candor, if it is important to do so. But, the candor has revealed many disgusting things about U.S. politics. In just five days, what have we learned about the state of American politics?
About human rights: "Our pressing on those issues can't interfere" with that which Hillary Clinton deems important. (Friday, 2/20)
The press for human rights in China is unimportant because "We pretty much know what they are going to say." (Friday, 2/20)
"We have to incur more debt." (Sunday, 2/22) So that's the plan? The U.S. has to incur more debt? Why? (drumroll...)
" continue to buy Chinese products." (...rimshot. Said on Sunday, 2/22)
So, American politics is all about buying Chinese products. Clinton wants no change to a twisted model, in which the U.S. relies upon Chinese manufacturers. Coming from an administration that promised change, this policy is very "steady as she goes," "stay the curse," and "no change." It ensures that kleptocracy will continue. Hillary Clinton did not mis-speak. Her words may have been bent, craven, depraved, twisted, and diabolical. However, they were exactly the policy of the U.S. government. To cement these intentions, the other shoe was dropped by Barack Obama himself in Tuesday night's address to Congress. He said, "We are working with the nations of the G-20 to...avoid the possibility of escalating protectionism." (Tuesday, 2/24)
America's leaders want us to buy as many Chinese products as possible. That's the policy, and that's why the economy won't improve substantially. Any "stimulating" will in fact stimulate the economy of Communist China. America's leadership is throwing America's money down a rat hole. Their policies won't work, and their lies are becoming more frayed and unable to cover up what they're doing. In fact, the above statements are not lies, they are candor. There's no real secret about them running a kleptocracy, nor about how it works. Should we thank Hillary Clinton for the candor, in which she won't even PRETEND to care about human rights?
Well, no. The only voices applauding Hillary Clinton are the twisted ones who write national "news," which is not news as much as it is propaganda. For my part, I did not applaud her candor. Rather, I called for her to resign, or to be fired by Barack Obama. Unfortunuately, with his speech and a swipe at protectionism, Obama revealed that it is very much his policy and that Hillary is right in tune with that policy. Obama has basically got a middle finger for those who would prioritize freedom, democracy, and human rights ahead of unfettered and unconditional "free trade."
Obama may have said some other things in his speech Tuesday night, but his swipe against protectionism was the tipoff, and now I don't need 100 days in which to evaluate his presidency. It will fail. He has recently come into office, and rearranged the deck chairs on the Titanic. There is a flurry of motion as if he is doing many things, but there is no alarm about America's trade deficit, and the clues above tell us exactly what the American political leadership is really saying: "Buy Chinese products!" "Buy Chinese products!" "Buy Chinese products!"
Some of us are smart enough to read the political tea leaves. "Steady as she goes." "Stay the course." "No change." "Buy Chinese products!" "Buy Chinese products!" "Buy Chinese products!" In fact, "We have to incur more debt!" "We have to incur more debt!" "We have to incur more debt!" And why? "To buy Chinese products!" Okay, maybe I should thank Hillary Clinton for the candor. It made writing this article easy. But I am still looking forward to the end of her tenure, or to the end of this policy -- whichever comes first, I'll take it!