It takes on a funny sort of resonance, a death rattle and a cough. The machine begins to shudder and tremble, "Danger Will Robinson!" Arms flailing, "This does not compute! This does not compute! Danger, danger!"
The scenario was written out long ago, a cast of ne'er do wells, misanthropes , retreads and dead heads were to compete for the honor of being soundly trounced by Barack Obama in next November's coronation err, I mean, election. It has everything a TV viewing audience could want; plot, pathos, angst and philandering. Yet even as we speak the gears of this well oiled machine have begun to grind and to gnash and all because of one man, that one man being Ron Paul from Texas.
Now lest we get off on the wrong foot here, I don't want you to get the wrong idea, I think Ron Paul is as nutty as a Snickers bar. He has this veneer of sanity and once you scratch beneath it, you quickly find yourself lost in lunacy, adrift in a sea of madness. That said, Ron Paul is still obviously the sanest of the Republican candidates out there, the problem is that Paul won't follow the Neo-con script, a script which has been carefully crafted and well rehearsed.
On the debate stage as the Republican candidates line up to rattle the sabers of war at America's alleged enemies de jour. Paul in turn argues that it is our own foreign policy which is causing our troubles and is to blame for our perpetual war. While Rick Perry gets an ovation for bragging on the number of executions he over saw in Texas, Paul says we should stop the war on drugs and do away with the Transportation Safety Administration. When Paul is asked why his positions are so different, so radically different, from all of the other Republican candidates he answers, I'm the traditional Republican, they are the radicals, and on that one single solitary point, Ron Paul is spot on correct.
This country has been taken over and subverted; you are no longer a free people. Americans by the millions have been economically assaulted and abused. We have forty million people ejected from their homes. We have suffered over ten years of non-stop perpetual war, and no sooner had the last soldiers left Iraq, shown the door by the new management, than war talk is ramped up again against the peaceful people of Iran.
This scenario plays out over and over again, play ball, read your script or the media will be turned against you. Mahmoud Ahmadinjad never said that Iran would wipe Israel off the map; he said, Israel will fade from the pages of time. Likewise, Ron Paul is accused of being a racist and an anti-Semite. He is accused of everything except bathing in the blood of virgins but there is still plenty of time in the campaign for that.
Dec 29, News One -- Ron Paul's "New World Order" Conspiracy Video
Dec 28, MSNBC- Paul's Stance on Israel Called into question
Dec 28, NewsMax-Former Ron Paul Aide: He's Anti-Israel
Dec 28, -- Ron Paul: To the Left of Obama
Dec 28, News -- Ron Paul's Top Ten Racist Friends and Supporters
Dec 27, Common Dreams -- Support Attracted by Ron Paul Sends Chills
Dec 27, Yahoo News- Ex-Aide: Ron Paul Foreign Policy "Sheer Lunacy"
Dec 27, CNN- Gingrich Wouldn't Vote for Ron Paul
Dec 27, Beaumont Enterprise- (Reprinted by Yahoo) Ron Paul's Denials Ring Hallow
Dec 27, -- Ron Paul's Anti-Gay Newsletters: Why they don't bother Liberal Gays
Dec 27, Yahoo News - Ron Paul's Long Record of Glorious Failure
Dec 27, Yahoo News - Ron Paul: Party Wrecker
Dec 27, Yahoo News - Ron Paul: Weirdo Magnet
Dec 24, Yahoo News - Ron Paul is a Dangerous Tin Man with No Heart
Dec 23, Yahoo News -- The Lethal Fantasies of Dear Old Ron Paul
Dec 23, CBS News- Gingrich: Ron Paul's Base "is People who want to Legalize Drugs"
Dec 20, Washington Post -- Outsider Ron Paul suddenly in contention in Iowa, a sign of fluidity in GOP race
Dec 20, Los Angeles Times -- Ron Paul's Naive Promise of Real Change
Dec 20, USA Today-Despite money and support, Ron Paul still not in lead
Dec 20, Bloomberg- Ron Paul's Accent Won't Last or Help his Cause
Nov 28, Redstate- Ron Paul is Wrong about Defense Spending
Nov 11, Washington Times -- Will the Republican Party Support Ron Paul?
You'll notice that a solid majority of these headlines aren't crafted by Republican candidates taking shots at Ron Paul but by the media editorial boards. Then there is this headline from Politico, today, "Ron Paul's Soft Spot Emerges: Foreign Policy "It would appear that even after weeks of a nauseating series of TV debates that Politico hadn't heard Ron Paul's Foreign policy views before. That is really the crux of what this whole negative media campaign is all about.
Ron Paul is anti-war; do you see any mention of that in the headlines? Mona Charon wrote an article for the New Republic in November listing her reasons for disliking Paul subtitling her article "The Kooky Doctor."
"Ron Paul is too cozy with kooks and conspiracy theorists. As syndicated radio host Michael Medved has pointed out, Ron Paul's newspaper column was carried by the American Free Press (a parent publication of the Hitler-praising Barnes Review). Paul may not have been aware of this. But though invited by Medved to disavow any connection, Paul has so far failed to respond.
Paul has appeared on the Alex Jones radio program not once, not twice, but three times"
Charon is almost laughable playing; my nutty radio host is more credible than your nutty radio host. Charon in fact, does illustrate the point even if by accident. You must stay inside the lines; candidates must follow the accepted orthodoxy. You are not allowed to have any, repeat any, opinions outside of those lines. They don't take Ron Paul to task on the issues where he really is crazy, instead they take him to task on the issues where he is sane.
Here is Charon's sharpest attack; "Ron Paul is inconsistent. Though he calls himself a man of principle and is apparently admired as such by his ardent fans, his principles seem somewhat elastic. He rails against the Bush administration for its supposed assault on civil liberties, yet when he was asked at one of the debates whether Scooter Libby deserved a pardon, he said no. "He doesn't deserve one because he was instrumental in leading the Congress and the people to support a war that we didn't need to be in." Notice that he didn't say it was because Libby was guilty of committing a crime."
You be the judge; did Paul answer the question? "He doesn't deserve one because he was instrumental in leading the Congress and the people to support a war that we didn't need to be in."
Charon argues, "No, because Libby argued for a policy with which Paul disagreed, he deserved to serve time in prison."
There is little doubt that Ron Paul is nuttier than a Christmas fruitcake, the real question here is, how much nuttier is he than any of the other Republican fruitcakes? Rick Perry couldn't remember the names of two of the three cabinet departments he wished to do away with. Herman Cain claimed that poor people were poor because they were lazy. Michele Bachmann wanted to do away with the minimum wage because she offered, "Then people could find jobs at whatever level." Mitt Romney earned his living breaking up companies and destroying jobs. When he was asked if he would disclose his tax returns Romney answered, "I don't think so."
The media have found themselves on the horns of a dilemma; the media spin isn't working anymore. Despite a withering storm of media attacks Paul's support in Iowa is solid and growing. Already the media have begun discounting the importance of the Iowa Caucuses;
Washington Times- "Iowa Caucuses 2012: A waste of Time for Candidates"
From US News and World Reports- "Are the Iowa Caucuses and the New Hampshire Primary losing Their Influence?" This article posted December 13, corresponding almost exactly to the time when Ron Paul became one of the front runners in Iowa.
For me personally, I find the elections in this country to be no different than the elections in the former Soviet Union where the party officials hand picked the candidates. Your vote, may or may not be counted and the totals may or may not need to be altered later to meet the needs of those who are actually ruling the state. Those ruling the state have a clear agenda; to continue on with the Neo-con perpetual wars, to continue on with this disastrous and deadly trade and energy policy. To support the ruling regime of banks and corporations while each day whittling down the legal freedoms of the average America citizen.
I would not vote for Ron Paul and I do not support the vast majority of his policies, but his candidacy is illuminating, by making crystal clear the iron corporate control of the media and the ludicrous fallacy of open elections. I would like to see Ron Paul to win in Iowa and in New Hampshire, if for no other reason than to show that the American people are becoming immune to corporate media spin and will not be dictated too. From that point onward, I would advise Dr. Paul to stay out of small aircraft and open limousines because Ron Paul will never be allowed to become the President of the United States.