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OpEdNews Op Eds    H2'ed 7/2/23

Bidenomics - "Happy Meal-ing" Success

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Message Brock Novak

Batton down the hatches...storm clouds on the horizon...another dreaded in your face, fire hose info onslaught is upon us.

Whether you like it or not, we again find ourselves revving up to embark on yet another American pastime, Presidential campaign season.

With that, each side desperately searching for that magic bullet messaging mantra that "sinks in and sticks" quick with a defacto for the most part, toddler-like Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) level attention span voting base...ie the average American...and candy coating removed, an idiot...and I'm being kind. Evidence what's transpired the last decade or so, I argue it's hard for anyone to challenge otherwise...either side of the aisle.

...they is what they is.

If that's your messaging audience (both political persuasions with "some imbalance" towards one side...an understatement), then what does it take to get thru...and stick.

Trump saw (actually Bannon and Stone, his medusan puppet-masters) this ADD majority voter baseline low bar "intellectual curiosity profile" and figured it out, that all it takes to get them to in pavlonian fashion, respond with a favorable voting booth lever pull, was to simply parcel out like meat to a piranha, a continual diarrheal flow of very KISS-y (Keep it Short and Simple) "no intent to deliver upon whatsoever" hollow campaign promise sound bites..."Build the Wall"..."Mexico Will Pay For It"..."Lock Her Up"..."Stop The Steal"..."Witch Hunt"..."Fake News"...blah blah blah.

...the "attention grabbing" formula for each sound bite being 4 key ingredients...short, sweet, punchy, with a grievance component.


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The cleverest of all, is the man who calls himself a fool at least once a month - Fyodor Dostoyevsky It is a curious fact that people are never so trivial as when they take themselves seriously...Some cause happiness wherever (more...)

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