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....Bill Clinton was asked on NBC's "Meet the Press" whether the conspiracy is still there. He replied: "You bet. Sure it is. It's not as strong as it was because America has changed demographically. But it's as virulent as it was...."This Vast Right Wing Conspiracy is a sophisticated arrangement for the conditioning and propagandizing the American people to act against their own interests and to ignore the conditions that they are experiencing.
Americans are caught up in a type of profound mass hypnosis, in which the 'Controllers of their Minds' present their reality.
Still the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy is only one level of American Mass Mind Control. Even the use of this term, presents a fake left/right; conservative/liberal, republican/democrat paradigm. There is a concerted effort by the Oligarchical powers of the Military Industrial Complex to divide the people of America against each other. Obviously a divided and confused people have little power against repression.
Which brings us to an even deeper level of Conspiracy.
There is also a sophisticated effort to control the opposition to this right wing mania. The American intelligence agencies use their money and influence to infiltrate various opposition groups. There have been numerous, credible reports exposing how Peace groups, Rights groups, and other Progressive groups are infiltrated by members of intelligence, police, and even the military. Many times the leadership of these organizations are infiltrated and the agendas are moved toward fruitless activities.
Also there is the infiltration by intelligence operations of cults and various religious and spiritual groups. These groups are encouraged through money and support to use their influence to de-power opposition to Oligarchical control. From the Moonies and Fundies to the Dalai Lama and the New Agers, there is an alliance, sometimes knowingly, to confuse the spiritual minded into supporting inhumane policies or activities; or at the very least to deactivate the true believers.
In almost every level of American society there is a vast Conspiracy that operates to confuse and obfuscate the truth. But all of these levels of operation have one goal. That goal is to assure the position and power of the Military Industrial Oligarchy. Many plans of operations are implemented and many people of influence are a part of it, so it is difficult for the average American to see beyond the conditioning.
The Vast Right Wing Conspiracy is just one level of Conspiracy that runs throughout the supposed American Republic. Even the pressure to pretend Conspiracies don't exist is just one way in which the American level of reality is controlled.
It is, however, crucial that Americans understand how their belief systems and their realities are manipulated. By blocking Awareness and by planting Lies and Disinformation at nearly every level of society, Americans have had their very Consciousness purposely manipulated and violated.
The first step to a more Democratic America is for Americans to regain control of their own minds.