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OpEdNews Op Eds    H2'ed 4/8/15

Bomb Iran? Not now: bomb Yemen

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Pepe Escobar
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Reprinted from RT

A Saudi-led aerial bombing campaign has entered its second day in Yemen.
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"Operation Decisive Storm" -- the Pentagon-style House of Saud glorifying of its ghastly "Bomb Yemen" show -- could be summed up in a single paragraph.

The wealthiest Arab nation -- the House of Saud petro-hacienda -- supported by other GCC petro-rackets and also the wealthy "West," has launched an -- illegal -- bombing/war/kinetic operation against the poorest Arab nation in the name of "democracy."

And this absurdity is just the beginning.

The EU's foreign policy chief, the innocuous as a stale cannoli Federica Mogherini, seems to be mildly alarmed. She remarked that Saudi bombing of hospitals and "deliberate targeting and destruction of private homes, education facilities and basic infrastructure cannot be tolerated."

Well, the EU tolerates exactly the same thing in Donbass perpetrated by Kiev's goons -- so nothing will come out La Mogherini's feigned outrage.

The Red Cross and the Russian Federation, for their part, at least are demanding a temporary ceasefire to allow for humanitarian relief. Humanitarian relief is incompatible with the House of Saud's bloodline. So after two weeks of Saudi "Shock and Awe," the current toll of at least 560 Yemeni civilians dead (and counting), and 1,700 wounded -- dozens of them children -- is bound to increase.

Bab-el-Mandeb me, baby

Bomb Iran? Not now; the new normal is bomb Yemen. But still bomb Iran might be back in a flash. Pentagon supremo Ash Carter confirmed last week "all options are on the table" even if an Iran-P5+1 nuclear deal is finally reached in June. So, for the record, the Pentagon is affirming nuclear negotiations are just white noise unable to deter the tantalizing prospect of yet another nice little Middle East war.

Needless to add, the so civilized "West" didn't even flinch when "our bastards" the House of Saud invaded and started shockin' an'awin' dirt-poor Yemen. No UN Security Council resolution. Not even a mandate from the totally discredited Arab League. Who cares? After all, the "Empire of Chaos" has done the same over and over again with total impunity.

Much hysteria has been raging on whether the Houthis are about to take control of the Bab-el-Mandeb -- one of the key strategic global energy chokepoints along with the Straits of Hormuz, and as crucial as the Suez Canal. Nonsense. Whatever the House of Saud does, the not so hidden "Empire of Chaos" agenda is never to lose control of the Bab-el-Mandeb, the Gulf of Aden, and the Socotra Islands.

Damage of a building caused by an air strike in Sanaa
Damage of a building caused by an air strike in Sanaa
(Image by Twitter User Almaghafi)
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This is part of what we could dub "Chokepointistan"; wars taking place near or around energy bottlenecks, and always narrated in Global War on Terror (GWOT) deceitful terminology. US Think Tankland is more straightforward, carefully following US naval deployments. That's what this is all about; an Orwellian "freedom of navigation" masquerading a hardcore strategy of shutting out the geopolitical enemy -- be it Iran, Russia, China or all of the above.

"Chokepointistan" is all over the place: just watch the war or pre-positioning action in the Bab-el-Mandeb (with spillover effects from Yemen to Somalia, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Djibouti); the Straits of Hormuz (all about Iran); but also the strait of Malacca (all about China), Panama (about Venezuela), the coming Nicaragua canal (about China), the Korean Strait, the Taiwan Strait, the Kuril Islands, and last but not least the Baltic Sea.

A Grand Armada Run Amok

Saudi intel knows the Houthis can't possibly control the Bab-el-Mandeb -- not to mention Washington would never allow it. What freaks the Saudis out is that the Houthi rebellion in Yemen -- supported by Tehran -- may encourage bright rebellion ideas among the Shi'ite majority in the eastern provinces in Saudi Arabia, where most of the oil is.

And this where the Saudi excuse for war interfaces with the empire's paranoia of preventing Iran, Russia and/or China from establishing a possible strategic presence in Yemen, at the Bab-el-Mandeb, overlooking the Gulf of Aden.

So we have once again Pentagon supremo Carter insisting, "The United States supports Arab plans to create a unified military force to counter growing security threats in the Middle East, and the Pentagon will cooperate with it where US and Arab interests coincide." Translation: we gave the green light for our bastards to maintain "stability" in the Middle East.

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Pepe Escobar is an independent geopolitical analyst. He writes for RT, Sputnik and TomDispatch, and is a frequent contributor to websites and radio and TV shows ranging from the US to East Asia. He is the former roving correspondent for Asia (more...)

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