This 28-year old on MySpace has put together one of the most moving videos I have ever seen, of Bush Cheney and the rest saying one thing then exactly the opposite. Alex has captured them in their own words coming from their own mouths. Shame on Democrats, shame on Republicans for not getting it. No one will finish watching this short video unaffected.
Presenting: "Impeach the Bastards"
What to Do, 10,000 Voicemails Campaign
Impeachment groups across the country are setting the goal of leaving 10,000 voicemails for congressmen by the time they return to their offices Tuesday morning. The recent ruling that Harriet Meirs must testify before the House Judiciary Committee in September gives HJC Chairman Conyers the chance to do exactly what former congresswoman Liz Holtzman suggested in the near-impeachment hearings last month. Holtzman back in the '70s was on Judiciary when they were impeaching Nixon. Conyers would say, "this is an impeachment inquiry" which means there can be no pardons or claims of executive privilege. To do so is automatically impeachable, do not pass go, do not collect two hundred dollars. Bush claims Executive Privilege, there is only one way to vote. Now you have Holtzman's "Twofer", both Bush and Cheney gone.
On Tuesday morning let the congressmen return from their vacations and conventions to find voice-mailboxes chock-full with renewed demands for democracy. Chairman Conyers must not miss this opportunity. Leave a message with your congressman and say: "When Meirs testifies, as she must, declare this is a formal impeachment inquiry. Conyers must say the word 'impeachment'." This closes the door to the administration's plan to blanket-pardon itself into the sunset, leaving 4200 fine Americans dead over lies, their families heartbroken and with children who will never know their fathers or mothers, unmeasured carnage among civilians who did not attack us, a spat-upon Constitution, and an economy broken for the benefit of the newly rich at Halliburton.
Your congressman/woman
Bruce Fein: Impeachment was "immensely unifying."