"One day, people will look back at this moment in history and say, 'Thank God there were courageous people willing to serve, because they laid the foundations for peace for generations to come,' " Bush told reporters after a meeting at the State Department.It's another bald-faced lie from an habitual liar, sociopath and traitor. People will look back and marvel that Bush --the worst 'leader' since Nero -got away with it for so long! The prospects for peace have never been worse and will continue to deteriorate as long as Dick Cheney et al are given the resources of a nuclear power! They have exploited that power to steal the oil resources of nations like Iraq and, eventually, Iran.-- Bush: US deaths in Iraq 'laid foundations for peace'
Bush would rather you did not know that, in fact, the world is more dangerous, terrorism is worse, and deaths from the Iraq war mount daily. Total US and Iraqis deaths from Bush's order to attack, invade and occupy Iraq now top 1.2 million. This act of mass murder has now cost the American tax payer about 525 billion dollars that might have been spent educating people, improving infrastructure, encouraging neighborhood development, improving job prospects and leveling playing fields.
Recently Scott McClellan charged that Bush Misled Americans In Order to Go to War. Earlier Colin Powell had stated on national television that he, too, has been misled prior to his presentation to the UN in which he cited a plagiarized student paper.
One embarrassing revelation about Powell's speech was that a key part of his evidence against Iraq was cut and pasted from a California graduate student's outdated academic paper, ripped directly from the Internet. In academia, we call this plagiarism. Stealing something straight off of a website, an act easily detected by feeding a string of words into a Google search, is plagiarism in its cheesiest form. Students who do it fail classes--this is nonnegotiable. In Powell's case, he isn't the plagiarizer. He properly cited a British intelligence service report--four pages of which were ripped off without citation, complete with spelling and grammatical errors--from a paper that appeared in October 2002 in an obscure academic journal.and ten year old satellite photos in support of a bald faced lie that Saddam had WMD.--Michael I. Niman, Powell, plagiarism, taxes, and war - Watch On The Right - Editorial
Powell presented satellite photos of industrial buildings, bunkers and trucks, and suggested they showed Iraqis surreptitiously moving prohibited missiles and chemical and biological weapons to hide them. At two sites, he said trucks were "decontamination vehicles" associated with chemical weapons.These and other sites have now undergone 500 inspections in recent months. Chief U.N. inspector Hans Blix, a day earlier, had said his well-equipped experts had found no contraband in their inspections and no sign that items had been moved. Nothing has been reported found since.
Addressing the Security Council a week after Powell, Blix used one photo scenario as an example and said it could be showing routine as easily as illicit activity. Journalists visiting photographed sites hours after the Powell speech found similar activity to be routine.
Norwegian inspector Jorn Siljeholm told AP on March 19 that "decontamination vehicles" U.N. teams were led to by U.S. information invariably turned out to be simple water or fire trucks. On June 24, Blix said of the entire Powell photo package, "We were not impressed with that particular evidence."
Amid Powell's warnings, a critical fact was lost: Iraq's military industries were to have remained under strict, on-site U.N. monitoring for years to come, guarding against the rebuilding of weapons programs.
--Powell's Case for Iraq War Falls Apart 6 Months Later, Charles Hanley
The world is not safer and may never be as safe again. We have George W. Bush and his evil regime to thank.
The new study, by Peter Bergen and Paul Cruickshank, argues that, on the contrary, "the Iraq conflict has greatly increased the spread of al-Qa'ida ideological virus, as shown by a rising number of terrorist attacks in the past three years from London to Kabul, and from Madrid to the Red Sea.Terrorism is always worse under GOP regimes and continues to worsen now."Our study shows that the Iraq war has generated a stunning increase in the yearly rate of fatal jihadist attacks, amounting to literally hundreds of additional terrorist attacks and civilian lives lost. Even when terrorism in Iraq and Afghanistan is excluded, fatal attacks in the rest of the world have increased by more than one third."
In trying to gauge the "Iraq effect", the authors had focused on the rate of terrorist attacks in two periods - from September 2001 to 30 March 2003 (the day of the Iraq invasion) and 21 March 2003 to 30 September 2006. The research has been based on the MIPT-RAND Terrorism database.
The report's assertion that the Iraq invasion has had a far greater impact in radicalising Muslims is widely backed security personnel in the UK. Senior anti-terrorist officials told The Independent that the attack on Iraq, and the now-discredited claims by the US and British governments about Saddam Hussein's weapons of mass destruction, had led to far more young Muslims engaging in extremist activity than the invasion of Afghanistan two years previously.
--How the war on terror made the world a more terrifying place
The combination of bloody wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, continued terrorist attacks from Britain to Somalia, and a presidential election in which candidates are defining themselves based on how they would stare down the threats has many seeing shades of gray. Six years after the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, just 29 percent of Americans believe the United States is winning the war on terror-the lowest percentage at any point since 9/11....
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