Image by publik15 via Flickr
By Grant Lawrence
...In 2003 while lobbying leaders to put together the Coalition of the Willing, President Bush spoke to France's President Jacques Chirac. Bush wove a story about how the Biblical creatures Gog and Magog were at work in the Middle East and how they must be defeated. Bush believed the time had now come for that battle, telling Chirac:
"This confrontation is willed by God, who wants to use this conflict to erase his people's enemies before a New Age begins"....
Bush was on a mission from God, in his own mind. Revelations have already surfaced how Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld helped former President George W. Bush run the Iraqi war on bible quotes. Now even more revelations have surfaced on just what Bush thought he was doing in his twisted, messed up mind for those 8 years in office.
It seems the President was on a mission to secure Israel from ancient enemies Gog and Magog.
Oh, you might have thought he was supposed to be the President of the United States, in which his duties were to protect the Constitution and work for the benefit of all of the citizens in the US.
But you would be wrong.
In George Bush's infantile imagination he was on a "mission from God" to bring in the New Age. Or at least that is what he told former French President Jacques Chirac. Astounded, Chirac "wondered how someone could be so superficial and fanatical in their beliefs".
So we had a President that not only demonstrated sociopathology but was obviously out of touch with reality. But, this brings me to a larger question.
It is obvious that such a simple minded, clearly disconnected person was being used as a pawn by the real powers--Cheney, Rumsfeld and others. These dark forces behind Bush had a larger agenda of Empire expansion and Globalization. They answer to even darker forces in the Financial, Military, Industry Complex that actually rule America and much of the world.
But a deeply disturbing question remains.
How did the American people, Congress, and the American "lap dog"media give such a disturbed and obviously unbalanced person a free ride for a good part of his presidency?
The answer lies in the tools of propaganda, disinformation, and the nature of the power structure here in America.
Americans have to come to grips with these forces and consciously free themselves from slavish, religious devotion to them. Until Americans are able to recognize how deeply they are programmed and conditioned by the dark forces that run society, they will not be able to challenge it and actually gain the greatest freedom. The freedom of their own minds.
Bush was a symptom of an assault on our consciousness that continues today. Americans were unable to identify a disturbed person that was being used for empire, war, and terror. Today, Americans are also unable to understand that the dark forces of the Financial, Military, Industrial complex are using a charismatic President to further that same agenda.