Thesis: Western society's progressive writers leave their readers
with the impression that citizens of the US and allied nations will
never be prosecuted for their mega massive crimes against humanity.
Legal and moral implications and future ramifications are discussed and
contrasted with ongoing litigation and warnings Martin Luther King gave.
For sixty-four of this writer's eighty-four years on
Earth, 'left' journalists have been reporting how bad things are,
detailing the slaughter of millions of innocent men, women and their
children in their very own beloved formerly colonially occupied
countries, often exposing inside stories of how US-NATO military
invasions, bombings, occupations and CIA operations are planned, sold in
media and executed.
Working as an archival research peoples historian for former US Attorney General Ramsey Clark, your author has undertaken a search back over the decades of such independent journalism of dissent, of criticism, and opposition to mainstream media promoted public approval and enthusiastic participation in these US-NATO military invasions, bombings, occupations and covert CIA operations, looking for any examples of journalists calling for prosecution under Nuremberg Principles Law, or noting the unlawfulness of the horrific events being reported, or referring to a need for justice for victims and survivors.
Your author would intensely appreciate readers letting him know of any passage in a published article or writing containing mention of one of the following:
'prosecutable crimes,'
'crimes against humanity,'
'reparations,' 'indemnity' or 'compensation'
- or even a sentence in which the word 'crime' was employed.
Initially, our only purpose was solely to be able to post quotes from commentaries, reports, histories or writings of well read independent journalists, authors and historians on the Ramsey Clark co-founded educational and stimulus website: Prosecute US Crimes Against Humanity Now Campaign[] which contains pertinent laws and a history of US crimes in nineteen countries. However, when a concerted effort was made to contact as many top journalists and historians as possible, the result was appalling. Half of those written to asking, 'why not call for prosecution of the many deadly horrors being reported as Realpolitik as unchallengeable as the weather,' did not reply, though they as colleagues had answered our emails in the past. The answers that did come back were striking,
"No, it would be like whistling in the dark."
"No I will not call for prosecution in my writing, pointless."
"Everyone knows where I stand."
(Many dissimulating.) "I support everything that Ramsey Clark does."
"Of course we all would like to see prosecution, but the courts are by our corporate rulers, so its impossible."
If I wrote back too many times insisting, "But doesn't one usually talk about something one would like to see happen," defensive or even angry replies would come back. In one instance, a colleague whose newsletters I never miss reading for their useful information, cussed me out for being obstinate, apparently exasperated by my insistence.
The next fruitless attempt included e-mailings and a few articles that quoted the US law stipulated definition of accessory after and/or before the fact being anyone assisting a felon or felons escape the law. The questions posed were, How could decades of reporting mayhem without mention that laws had been broken be anything else but helpful to fellow citizens engaged in profitable but deadly military action in innocent countries? Moreover, Why would pointing out such a devastatingly important truth and calling for justice ever be inappropriate? And in the case of millions of innocent people dead, dying or facing death, Is it not inhumane not to call for their killers arrest, indictment and punishment and for indemnity, compensation, and reparations for the millions of victims - even when the killers are the writers' own fellow citizens? Most importantly, What the hell else would stop the uninterrupted profitable genocide?
By way of contrast, the reader is invited to check out the website of a strong lawsuit against American citizens by an Iraqi mother that is being assisted by former US Attorney General Ramsey Clark at the lawsuits website below:
CLICK HERE to support Support first US-Iraqi lawsuit against Bush Administration about the Iraq War
If Mrs. Sundus Shaker Saleh is doing what is normal when a crime or crimes have been committed, then that would make the behavior of the independent progressive journalists of the West abnormal. Unless of course we hold it is normal for people not to want to see fellow countrymen and countrywomen go to prison.
Then to our amazement, we began to notice other critical information illogically missing throughout independent 'left' progressive journalism.
For first example, all our best minds are aware that the real power and source of this running genocide is a cabal of the wealthy elite running unregulated and widely free Western speculative interest banking led since World War Two from within the Wall Street establishment. Why then does the readership of anti-imperialist writers rarely hear much about this basic truth, but rather is constantly fed reports that credit bought and beholden US Presidents with power over what Ron Paul has called the illegal and unconstitutional use of America's Armed Forces and CIA. This deceptive focusing almost entirely on US Presidents, their appointed officials, members of Congress and important judges, all equally owned by financial-centers, simply plays along with what has already long been accomplished by criminal news, information and entertainment conglomerates maintaining cover and needed anonymity for those investing in knowingly criminal use of US Armed Forces and CIA.
Certainly the wisest of our writers and historians know, and have written, recognizing that those powerful investors running a many billion dollar kill and destroy "racket," like those which were exposed by famous Marine Major General Smedley Butler a century ago,[] would not entrust, or allow, the officials they had put in office to make decisions affecting their now become trillion dollar mega mammoth investments in profitable genocide. Noam Chomsky's Year 501 - the Conquest Continues, books by economics savvy Ed Herman and Michael Hudson, some fine writing by Finian Cunningham, and hard hitting commentary from Pepe Escobar and Paul Craig Roberts come to mind in this regard. So why should independent reporters and journalists be helping major media in this deception of a presidential power that has never existed. Even the last aristocratic wealthy insider US president of considerable influence, Franklin Roosevelt, confided his own limits of personal power in a now famous note to a close confident, "you and I know the government has been owned by a financial element in the centers of power since the days of Andrew Jackson.[FDR in a letter to Colonel House, 1932]
Also inexplicably absent from 'left' journalism is any suggestion of light at the end of the tunnel. Prevalent are doomsday scenarios. Even as homo sapiens prove a phenomenally deep capacity for intelligence and ingenuity putting a sophisticated camera and research device on a comet racing through outer space five hundred million miles away while mapping the human brain as the genome was mapped earlier, left journalism predicts unavoidable world wars to come shortly and ecological doom on its way without any corrective salvation to be foreseen.
No Justice No Hope Independent Journalism
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