Situation in Pakistan has been worsening with each passing day. Everyone in Pakistan have been feeling that something wrong is going on, but no one knows the solution. Majority of rulers in Pakistan are corrupt, therefore, they have no idea about the crisis.
It is not just terrorism that is bloodying the nation horrifically. Mauling it no lesser terribly is rampaging criminality, stalking urban streets and rural barns viciously. The country is in the squeezing grip of lawlessness, which is in a waltzing binge in every nook and cranny of the land. Both the urban centres and the countryside are in its throes in equal measure, though the latter more hurtfully.
Kidnapping and abductions for ransom are in full swing, particularly in the Frontier province whose Peshawar metropolis is witnessing an increasing migration of scared residents to the country’s other parts. Thefts, dacoities, highway robberies, car lifting, purse and cell-phone snatchings have become a common phenomenon and a scourge to blight the citizens day and night. And if sniper shootings have Quetta and parts of Balochistan in their lethal claws, so have they Karachi.
The port city is, in fact, being rocked nowadays with fatal factional and confessional fracas, which surely can be minimised if not obliterated altogether if the leadership across the spectrum gets its act together, uses its collective influence to moderate the radical propensities and isolate the extremist elements, reducing them into ineffectual nonentities. But that is not to be. As the crimes and criminality are in an increasing upswing, this leadership is just looking on inertly and listlessly. Not the least pushed it appears to be even as there are now strong indications that the underworld is teaming up with militants and terrorists to plunge this beleaguered nation into utter chaos and anarchy. No ideas, no thoughts, no suggestions or proposals has it to proffer to grapple with this prowling lawlessness. It shows all emptiness on this count. And so does that intellectual glitterati, gracing nightly media talk shows. It too has, at best, some fashionable talk to show for a thinking.
And the system has to be rid of political interference and influence in every way and at every tier. There indeed has to be a complete overhauling of the existing system to make it effective and people-friendly, dedicated solely to citizens’ security, not just the elites’. This administration can make a beginning, though modest, to this end by quickly making good on its much-talked intent of recruiting 25, 000 new cops to police force in every province. That indeed would be a litmus test if this administration is really committed to the people’s safety by giving them an apolitical police force, recruited on merit alone and run professionally without any extraneous interference or influence.