1st: What is now necessary is a "maniac" guard, armed with a military rifle w Teflon bullets (cause now the whacko losers are wearing body-armor) ex-military, ex-warrior who has shot people" in every school and medium big business... who sits around in a room watching TV until he hears pop-pop-pop, then runs down to take out the killer. Even with their armour, most of these losers quickly kill themselves when confronted by any authorities. Usually there is no time for any intervention except by an onsite guard.
2nd: A huge factor in this is the Copycat Effec t (exc book I reviewed- see below) in that crazies latch on to the sickest examples, and copy them to a T - same day of month, same date, same method of attack (or suicide), same weapon (in this case a Bushmaster the DC sniper used, which I wrote about at the time- below)... which has been functioning for centuries. We are 98% monkeys and imitate everything. There is a way to stop that cold- make the results for the killer so horrific that it is a deterrent to the next one. In ancient Greece there was a rash of virgin suicides; they paraded the next girl through the streets naked and boom... they stopped. These sick abused losers want to seen as powerful, and nothing is more counter to that than humiliation. As bad as it seems, I think cops should not take them alive, and even should smash their face in- photos of that would dissuade the next ones. In the 2 days after Newtown, there were about 5 mass shootings. This is under-reported because the media forcefully rejects their own culpability- hey it sells papers + soap!
3rd: Prohibit massive magazines and clips, even make them completely illegal; and greatly restrict military grade rifles, esp fast semi-autos (I know this is hard because any semi-auto is capable of mass death), but their cyclical rate can be slowed. Guns are cool and fun and useful, but the problem is they make murder too easy of the way-too-many a-holes running around. I've owned them, but most people shouldn't be trusted with them. At a handgun training seminar I went to, most of the people were ignorant swine snarling about how they would blow away anyone crossing their property- I was convinced 80% should never own a firearm (inc most police)!
4th: Complete criminal + mental health background checks and 1 week waiting period including ALL gun show and private sales, with big penalties for floutation. In WY, you could go down to the 24hr IGA, pick up a $42 pistol at 2am with no paperwork, and take care of that vexing disrespectful wifey or abusive lout hubby. 3-4 times more people with guns are SHOT BY THE INTRUDER than shoot the intruder, no matter what bull the NRA liars say. There is no need, in almost every instance, to buy them TODAY. You are many times more likely to kill your spouse or kid or parent or neighbor than any dangerous intruder- THAT'S who you really fight with, and a gun is a very efficient "solution". Limit purchases to 2 total per person, 1 per year. This survivalist shooter mother believed in some apolocalyptic future, and had trained her obviously severely disturbed son in shooting at the target range- the terrible truth is many many maniacs could pass the sanity tests to get weapons.
5th: Mandatory for any doctor or civilian to inform authorities about anyone who speaks of inflicting mass random death, if they aren't kidding. Most of these monsters tell SOMEONE, who of course doesn't believe them because they've always been ineffectual nerds before. I guarantee Lanza's family or friends realized he was close to the edge, down by the corner.
7th: A total ban on releasing the killer's name, work, reasons, etc- make them a non-person... and I say this as a journo. The vast majority are doing this for the fame, for their one day in the sun, and we can remove that incentive. They go after young school kids for maximum impact, maximum horror, maximum fame.
8th: Immediate $10 billion program to build mental health clinics or hospitals to replace the evaporation of the mental health system. Clinics don't have to cost much- there isn't much equipment needed, and psychiatrists can be encouraged to volunteer; but there should be something for the severely disturbed in every city bigger than 100K. Make mandatory commitment for the dangerously dsiturbed easier.
9th: Some responsibility in Hollywood in depicting any mass shooting- by the age of 14, a kid has seen, what, 20,000 shootings on TV and movies- why wouldn't they think it's neat? But the religious nuts go berserk over a breast or 2. Make love not war.
10th: Take on the NRA head-on - full investigation, end tax breaks, prosecutions of threats on lawmakers or the Prez; stop their constant criminal extortion of Congress. I believe in gun rights, but I believe the NRA are blackmailing scumbags and need to be taken down.
11th: Properly interpret the 2nd Amendment, esp a WELL REGULATED MILITIA- that means a State (now National) Guard, not any yahoo with a machine gun! I actually have some sympathy to the idea that more armed people would help stop these psychos, since police typically act with such cowardice (in Columbine they allowed rthe wounded to die for 2 1/2 hours after the shooters were dead while they terrorized the poor traumatized students). All cops must be trained o go in immediately and stop the shooter- they still operate by obsolete FBI hostage tactics that involve "controlling" the perimeters while people are being butchered. Usually though
12th: Which means Impeach Thomas and or Scalia. These lowlife retrograde fascists have chosen a loser President who killed 400K in a traitorous unnecessary war, decided billionaires can buy any elections, almost destroyed Obama just as a political excersize, will never restrict guns, and want to turn the clock back to the 1890's when the barons ran wild. In one recent year, there were 39 murders by gun in the UK, but 9,000 in the United States. America doesn't need 300 mil guns, what they guarantee is that when the Anthropogenic Global Warming famines hit, we will become a vast killing field". so maybe the good people should hang onto theirs. Ha ha.
I've faced robbers/crazies with guns 4 times in my life- each time I luckily played it just right, but it is a deeply terrifying experience- and there is no right way to reason with rampage killers.
Finally finally after hundreds of these mass murders, there seems to be the will to act on this, but it will last maybe a month before NRA threats and RW sickness reverse any action. GO TO IT OBAMA + States!
THE COPYCAT EFFECT- ARCHIVE MediaChannel proves sensational media coverage of deadly mayhem causes people to copy it; Loren Coleman's important new book; Media + journalistic response; Ethics and better approaches; Analysis of newsmags coverage; Possible imminent risks: 2005
MONSTERS from the NORTHWEST- ARCHIVE not surprising one sniper is from Seattle area- world capital for serial killers- causes, effects, and personal impacts- 11/1/02