It appears Uncle Sam has reason to believe the DNC convention is going to need some military “intervention” in Denver come August. In addition, in “War On America’s Playgrounds,” this writer reported on the Marine war drills waged in the city of Indianapolis that took place in a city park. Yes, you heard that right. Marines played war games in an Indiana city park. I swear to you, I’m not making this up!
In a recent edition of The Rocky Mountain News, it was reported that Special Operations teams have conducted military training successfully in other cities as well. The article mentioned that the Special Operations Command had conducted at least 21 such exercises in U.S. cities, including Atlanta, Chicago, Dallas and Seattle over three years. A Washington Post article was quoted as reporting, “In city after city, the exercises have drawn fire from frightened residents who are not told beforehand that the roaring helicopters flying in circles several hundred feet overhead late at night ... are trying to get as close as possible to the buildings they appear about to crash into."
Starting with Katrina, federal enforcers and soldiers-for-hire have been getting Americans accustomed (conditioned) to a military and para-military presence within US cities. The use of private soldier companies like Blackwater eases the burden on the feds, as it lessens the necessity of having to pay benefits to federal employees. Plus, hiring contractors puts monies in the hand of private profiteers and stock holders often well-connected to those who make such decisions. Hiring private soldiers also lightens the federal legal burden should these contracted gunmen ever become, shall we say, a little too trigger-happy in the course of their work.
These realistic, urban warfare exercises are no mere customary military training drills, as there are roughly 440 military bases in the US upon which GI soldier games can be played. The expansion of war training to include America’s city parks and playgrounds undoubtedly serves another purpose - one that won’t be revealed tonight on the local TV newscast - as Americans become not-so-subtly acclimated to military presence and stringent law enforcement control within… and takeover of… their communities.
Still don’t get why the Department of Defense would choose to play war in US cities? f you think the answer is to practice soldier maneuver drills, think again. The normalization of military and para-military presence is a domestic operation being waged for the same reasons lethal Tasers are used by local law enforcers, police brutality is commonplace in our lower income neighborhoods, and gang violence, pitting our urban, non-white youth, one against the other, is often “helped” along – rather than prevented.
Soldiers now appear on Main Street, USA for the same purpose mindless TV viewing masses have been force-fed justification for liberal doses of torture on shows like the FOX channel’s “24.” Simultaneously, the rights and civil liberties of our citizens are being eroded while the Big Brother Surveillance State reaches mind-boggling new heights… with cameras now perched above nearly every traffic light and city street corner.
It’s a dog-eat-dog world where a growing Police State is continually justified as a means of keeping the peace – or, so we are led to believe. The United States is rapidly becoming a nation where brutality - and a culture of fear, militarization, and surveillance - is being augmented, with the goal of keeping American citizens compliant, passive, and obedient under authoritarian, militant control.
"You're either with us or against us" has been the sentiment of the black and white concrete-thinking authoritarians in power. Why, even the mere questioning of authority has even been equated with aiding and abetting the enemy in times of war. In fact, while passionately speaking out recently on a group list regarding the use of radioactive Uranium weaponry (so- called Depleted Uranium) used in Afghanistan and Iraq, this writer was targeted by one defender of the Empire who wrote, "emotional attacks can be a form of terrorism in themselves."
The message Americans are being given is crystal clear for anyone with even one eye half open. Politicos still playing the “terror” card in this two-party election farce game, forever reminding us ad nauseum that this is a dangerous world with so-called "terrorists” – often using the CIA-created group, “Al Qaeda” posed forever lying in wait to do Americans harm.
The silent message we are fed is simple. If we stay quiet and accept wars everlasting due to some manufactured, eternal threat of “terrorism,” if we accept whatever new lame stories are concocted to us to keep us in a state of perma-fear, if we obey without question and do everything we are told and keep silent within gated, pre-established, sanctioned, chain link fenced “protest zones?” We will then – and only then - have nothing to worry about. Our obedience will be rewarded in that we will not get hurt, Tasered, nor shot repeatedly by the right (far, far right) arm of the law - in cold blood. By our obedience and relinquishing our rights of free speech and assembly, neither will we be thrown into prison cell nor internment camp.
Meanwhile, the fine line between ordinary citizens merely exercising Constitutional rights and so called “domestic terrorists” is becoming increasingly indistinguishable – thus, the ability of being able to discern, in both appearance and tactics, between America’s military, contracted para-military, SWAT teams, and our community law enforcers grows ever more hazy, fuzzy, and dull in this growing American Police State.
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