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OpEdNews Op Eds    H4'ed 12/19/20

Congress Cannot Leave for Our Families Unless We Address the Pain and Anxiety of Millions of Families Across the Country

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Bernie Sanders
Bernie Sanders
(Image by Gage Skidmore from flickr)
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Yesterday afternoon, I asked my colleagues in the Senate to unanimously agree to pass my legislation guaranteeing an emergency payment of $1,200 to every working class American and $500 to each of their children.

Republican Senator Ron Johnson objected, citing the deficit.

It is comical that in this time of crisis, Ron Johnson and my Republican colleagues suddenly discover that we have a deficit.

But I wonder. Where was Ron Johnson and Senate Republican concerns about the deficit when they passed a $1 trillion tax cut for some of the wealthiest people and corporations in this country?

Where was their concern about the deficit when, at a time climate change threatens this entire planet, Congress gives hundreds of billions of dollars in corporate welfare to oil, gas and coal companies that exacerbate the climate crisis?

Where was the concern about the deficit when, just this week, Congress passed legislation that would provide $740 billion to the military the largest military budget in history and more than the next ten nations combined. Where was their concern for the deficit then?

My Republican colleagues believe that we can provide massive tax breaks to billionaires, give hundreds of billions in corporate welfare, and pass the largest military budget in history and that's okay. But, in the midst of the worst economic meltdown since the Great Depression, Congress cannot respond effectively to the needs of working families because of the deficit. What hypocrisy!

Here is the truth:

Congress must not leave Washington, D.C. and head back to our families unless we address the pain and anxiety of millions of other families across the country.

And that starts with putting money directly into their pockets with a direct payment of at least $1,200 per working class American, and $500 for each of their children.

Add your name if you agree:

Sign my petition: tell Congress they must provide emergency payments to every working class American of $1,200, no less, and $500 for each of their children before we leave for holiday recess.

This is not a radical idea.

This is an idea that is supported by President Donald Trump and President-elect Joe Biden. It is an idea that, according to a recent poll, is supported by 75 percent of Americans, including 72 percent of Republicans.

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Bernie Sanders is the independent U.S. Senator from Vermont. He is the longest serving independent member of Congress in American history. He is a member of the Senate's Budget, Veterans, Environment, Energy, and H.E.L.P. (Health, Education, (more...)

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