Given the emergence of Consciousness in matter, evolution supports the Right of Humans to an equal share of non-renewable natural resources that would enable everyone to participate in free-enterprise, privatizing the opportunity for joint advancement.
We would move away from the prevalent structure where a few have managed to hustle, hoard and exercise violence to maintain poverty for many through exclusion morality, a central theme of civilization giving us globally, 2600 million living on less than $2 per head per day leading to 30,000 daily poverty deaths.
Our institutions of kindness and charity, good for unintented consequences, are unable to address the deficiencies of the current bad design. Here is why and how:
The historical outcome of direct and structural violence to create and maintain poverty in global society was an error enabled by carefully nurtured spiritual lethargy. But we are awakened by the spiritual charge and the global economic crisis and depression of 2008-09. Fortunately, it has come during the age of information, communication, and the ability for unhindered design participation, that would assist the corrective process.
The primary charge in the age of conscious design is the materialization of evolutionary potential. It rests in equal sharing of natural resources and the associated opportunities. The violence-infrastructure setup by a self-centered few to maintain their unequal share, is an hindrance and inconvenience, to the main theme. We need not embrace violence, but must work against it, and nature can be supportive of us in this effort.
Through the intervention of information, both energy and matter have unfolded as interchangeable manifestations (Albert Einstein), leading to matter christened as inorganic or organic, accompanied by stability within the inorganic and ascendancy within the organic.
We understand little about the origins of the provision for information. Is it embedded in the character of physical law (Richard P. Feynmann) or does it lie outside energy and matter? Independent of its source, we could understand only answers with a physical origin. Nevertheless, the provision has led to the outcome of many material states through the "differences" in design form, (Umpleby). Design by itself is a trial; it is its contextual appropriateness that is of significance, and the inappropriate ones are eliminated in contest, (Darwin). The unequal partitioning of natural resources is an inappropriate design, and we are engaged at the juncture of challenge.
Within that background, in the social context, we must ensure:
* affirmation of equal opportunity (through an equal partitioning amongst every person--man,woman and child--of natural resources inherited from nature by consciousness),
* provision for optimization of exploration of "differences" in design,
* respect for other participants (species), and maintenance of biospheric health leading to an 'environment-based' governance policy for global society,
Let us be aware that our primary task is not short-sighted competition with one another or between corporations as currently constituted, but it is to articulate the potential within the human spirit. Hence, given our primary charge to energy/matter, in the current context, we must in the immediate future (2030)
* ensure that "ground rent" is paid by those who benefit from the ground free
*provide for an equal share "citizen's dividend", for every human being
* require nurture of biospheric health, that would optimize the "differences" in design, circumvent a world war (there is no assurance the erroneous design of violence would prevail), and concurrently benefit the charge we have with some breathing space (of about a 100 years), to test itself.
Replacing current economics with geonomics as outlined above, would also Meet the Minimum Needs of All, (MMNA), and realize Article 3 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948.
As peace is the way, we must proceed nonviolently, and a global referendum would be the place to start. As geonomics provides economic independence for everyone, geonomics would be of interest to the Women's Movement leading to new forms of family life with men who would share more in daily complementary nurture, with both man and woman assured that infants and children all over the world could draw directly on their common citizen's dividend for economic sustenance !
In that natural, spiritual, socio-psychological, framework of nonviolent economics, (a design unavailable today), with an environment- based governance policy cognizant of other species, global society would have become a genuine care-giver.
At this stage, I believe, we are capable of it.