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Republican House Minority Leader Mitch McConnell addressing the danger of everyone having a public option for healthcare.
Seriously stupid Mitch McConnell hopes Americans are just as stupid as he is.
But a 'Medicare for All' plan is very dangerous, supposedly, because people might have to wait for treatment rather than not have it at all.
Still there were 17,000 children that died for lack of health insurance and 45,000 people die each year from lack of health care.
These stooges in congress are being bought off by the insurance companies and pharmaceutical industry and quite honestly they don't give a damn if you or I live or die. That is why they are so willing to kill our sons and daughters and anyone else they can find willing to die in Afghanistan and Iraq.
A quick look at Mitch McConnell and you will easily see an empty headed sleaze ball on the payroll of corporate America. Still he is not any different than most of the sleaze balls in Congress, it is just that he is a more accomplished sleaze ball and that is why he is the leader of a Party of Sleaze Balls--The Republicans.
Americans can continue to allow the Sleaze to create their futures or they can begin to demand that their representatives represent them. This might take a bit of effort on the part of Americans. Like perhaps getting up from behind the television and putting away the booze and prescribed pills to actually clear their heads from the fog of consumerism.
Congress and Presidents Obama/Bush have bankrupted America to bail out the Wealthy. With the Bankster Bail Outs, the Wars, and Corporate Welfare, they have turned Americans into debt slaves. The very least they could do is make sure that the slaves have adequate health care so that they will be healthy enough to fight their wars for Empire and pay back the usury credit Americans are saddled with.
But giving Americans a sliver of the massive pie that goes to the super rich is really too much for the political class that licks the crumbs from their wealthy masters. So it is likely that the politicos will continue to scare the public about the dangers of all Americans having an option for public health care, while they grovel at the heals of their corporate masters.