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Democrats Have Only Themselves to Blame for Election Day Dumpster Fire

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Donn Marten
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Donald Trump Barnstar
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Liberals and progressives are in a state of derangement this week after the stunning defeat of Hillary Clinton that put Donald Trump into the White House. There is much weeping and gnashing of the teeth as grief-stricken Democrats look for excuses, promote conspiracy theories and empty their tear ducts over a pool of rapidly souring spilled milk. But the truth that none will admit to is that they earned every bit of their dumpster fire of an election by throwing in with a polarizing candidate who had already been rejected back in 2008.

As this humble author wrote right here at OpEd News two years ago in my article "Democrats Laying the Groundwork For 2016 Catastrophe":

Democrats may have gone to bed crying softly into their pillows in the wee hours of early Wednesday morning last week but awoke determined to double down on exactly what it was that got their clocks cleaned in the first place. You would think that after receiving such an ass-whipping that there would be some sort of soul-searching and a rethinking of their overall strategy prior to 2016. But we are talking about the Democratic party here so the only logical thing to do with the iceberg in sight is to order the engine room to crank it up to ramming speed. On Thursday, Senate Democrats once again elected Harry Reid to be their leader.

The intrepid Reid's fingerprints were all over the great beat down of 2014 and early indications are that they will also be on the torpedo hit amidships in two years if Queen Hillary the Inevitable gets rejected by the electorate in her quixotic quest for power. If Mrs. Clinton goes down she is going to take the entire party down with her and there is no Plan B for the immediate future. Republican strategists must be licking their chops over the prospect of a Democratic party self-immolation -- that is if they can stop bickering among themselves long enough take advantage of the rare historical opportunity to deliver the killing blow to their nemesis. The scheming Karl Rove once spoke of a "permanent Republican majority" although he could never deliver it. That prophecy is within reach if all that the GOP does is simply stay out of the Democrats' way as they continue to march off the edge of a cliff like a pack of drunken lemmings.

Well Hillary Clinton indeed went down and took the entire party down with her, a devastating defeat from which they will not soon (if ever) recover from and one that has cost liberals and progressives the Supreme Court for the next several decades.

There is to this point little reflection on the very important fact that the Democrats were peddling damaged goods and that the party poohbahs chose to sabotage and later neutralize the one person who would have thumped Trump. As internal DNC emails that were published by Wikileaks showed, the political organization that was to have been a neutral arbiter in the process was stacked with Clinton loyalists who worked overtime to undermine Bernie Sanders and his own populist message. Sanders generated an enthusiasm that energized young voters but he was never going to be accepted by the Wall Street fat cats who owned Mrs. Clinton and expected a return on their investment for all of those six-figure speaking gigs.

Sanders ran an insurgent campaign that could well have toppled Queen Hillary were it not for the meddling of party insiders, the complicity of the media and the superdelegates who were in the bag for the Clintons from the beginning. One big reason why Trump won is that he was able to appeal to those white working class voters that the elitist snobs running the Democratic party viewed with contempt, these were the so-called Reagan Democrats and had Clinton even bothered to pay lip service to them she could very well be the president elect instead of a bitter old woman who is blaming her defeat on FBI Director James Comey.

The Hill reports "Clinton blames loss on FBI director's letter":

Hillary Clinton blamed her electoral defeat on FBI Director James Comey in a call with her top donors on Saturday, offering her most extensive comments yet following her loss to Donald Trump.

"There are lots of reasons why an election like this is not successful," Clinton said, according to The New York Times. "[O]ur analysis is that Comey's letter raising doubts that were groundless, baseless, proven to be, stopped our momentum."

Clinton said that her poll numbers recovered from a plunge following the first letter from Comey, which came 11 days before the election and informed Congress that the FBI had renewed its interest in the investigation after they found emails related to the probe.

However, she argued the second letter sent just two days before the election saying that a review of newly discovered emails found nothing to alter the decision to not recommend charges over the mishandling of classified information aroused Trump's supporters.

"We were once again up in all but two of the battleground states, and we were up considerably in some that we ended up losing," Clinton said, according to the Times report. "And we were feeling like we had to put it back together."

Clinton's comments come just days after her top campaign aides also pinned blame for the loss on the FBI director in another call.

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Donn Marten is a free lance writer and consultant who resides in West Central Florida.

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