We must come to grips with the hard reality that it was the Democrats of Congress that made Bushco's $700 Billion treachery the law of the land, not the Republican legislators.
And we must not fail to grasp that it is the job and the sacred trust of the opposition to oppose treachery, not to endorse it.
The opposition we Democrats voted for in 2006 to counter the trashing of our Bill of Rights and the pillaging of our treasure has betrayed us again to the tune of $700 billion, the biggest heist in history, and this atop approving in every of Bushco's funding requests to prolong his War of Lies.
If this is what we actually wanted, we should have voted Republican, rather than to provide cover for the imposters who sold us out and disgraced our ideals. It's becoming increasingly clear that partisan labels of whatever persuasion are an artifice, and -- despite the show -- that all report to the same masters. The lesser-devil supports the bigger-devil, doubling the treachery, while the innocent voters wander about asking each other what is really going on. Think about this: if honest people don't understand then it's probably crooked.
And now comes nice Mr. Obama promising "change," but being quite cautious in NOT enunciating specifically the: What, Where, When, How, By How Much, by Whom, etc. Lest we forget, it is the Devil that is in the details, and who can subsequently hide behind them.
The current issue of Consumer Reports runs some comparisons between McCain's and Obama's proposed medical programs, and I was even now astonished at its findings that they were just about a wash, dependent upon the individual profiles reviewed. Their programs, as with Hillary's, put insurance companies in the middle of defining benefits, choosing our care givers, and administering medical programs with our tax dollars, all with a nice big slice of the pie to their stock holders and seven and eight figure executive rip-offs. Whatever happened to the Social Security model, which is excellently administered and would never run out of its by-law sheltered funds were it not that we have allowed a rotten government to steal from it to pay off their sponsors.
Where is there any integrity and political courage in a candidate of any party who cannot stand to do the right thing? Where is the Democrat who will stand up for a single-payer government administered medical system? That is, after all, the kind of thing for which we have a government. And where is the Democrat who will stand and say that he will make signing statements promptly illegal upon his inauguration? And where is the Democrat who will stand and say that the War of Lies must end within the logistics time-frame for troop removal, i.e. 60 to 90 days after inauguration, with no nonsense about attendant casualties and the usual drivel about freedom for the Iraqi people who are still being slaughtered and will be as long as we're there?
The answers, my Democrat and fellow ex-Democrat friends, are: Nowhere!
Now, we need to digest that reality. Until we do, we'll continue to be betrayed. Only when we do will there be a chance that we can find a better way.