[how the Constitution was shredded in St.Paul]
by RW Spisak Jr.
While the MSM [main stream media], lined up prepared to fawn all over the floor show, the rightwing manikins rehearsed their proscribed pirouettes. MSM ready as always to deliver unquestioning, the shiny tin-toy republicans, while they regurgitated their faux patriotism, and worse manners. Outside like so many times before the reality was a little grainier, in the harsh glare of the flash-bang grenades. Reeking of pepper-spray, the kevlar encrusted protectors of corporate greed did their democracy crushing best. Equally unquestioned and unquestionable (ask Amy G.)
Proving beyond any doubt that thou hast no freedom of speech, no right to assemble, no press credential shall set you free. Should you dare presume to dissent and gather together to petition the government for redress of grievances you will be charged with conspiracy to commit democracy, or terrorism AS IF there wasn't a difference.
Much more malleable, like sheep they bleated, inside the chapel consecrated to corporate power. They CHANTED U.S.A., U.S.A,. U.S.A. whenever they needed to silence some aberrant soul still clinging to the delusion that one might live a life beyond the BORG. Code Pink appeared a colorful spot in that grey sea of conformism. A peace activist, curiously unaware it must be of the glorious way that bombs can build democracy was excised. USA, USA, USA they chanted in a most hurtful and ugly tone. America's nickname used like a bludgeon. Pounding out the dissenting voice. Boy, did they have a hammer.
True as it isn't, droning in his false and hollow voice he proclaimed again "maverick", as he laboriously repeated the ancient dance step. Opposing science, baptizing again and again these trance-bound zombies first in oil then in blood. Once again oil, once again blood. He must proclaim "maverick" again and again to remind the bound, just how free they aren't.
There were two or three disruptions, creating tiny ripples of honesty, in the BORG-LIFE clinging inside the corporate cathedral. High above, like false hope the sacred chorus of the purchased press, groveled, gushed and genuflected, simply recording the pretty-lies that spewed below. They played their "special" part as recording angels in the passion play.
At least in Chicago, back in '68 when the police beat the defenseless, the peaceniks, those who hadn't drunk the koolaid, reporters had the intestines, to actually notice and call out the obscenity. They said, " hey Daley, this is America, you can't beat defenseless peace marchers, just because they don't appreciate the glory of bombarding villages for democracy's sake? You can't beat their brains out and expect them to still be good gun fodder!"
Now, these MAVENS of MEDIA are too sophisticated to even take note, when the STATE decides to preemptively remove, computers, and the always dangerous pamphlets. ONLY THE BLOGOSPHERE and the Alternative WebMedia even noticed, when Amy Goodman, was caged for daring to question those servants of SECURITY. Simple convention credentials, talismans, token artifacts of a bygone era, when there was an acknowledged respect for the press, are now as worthless as the promises of the first Ten Amendments. No Brokaw, no Matthews, certainly no CONSERVATIVE (remember the strict constructionist types) Hannity, Limbaugh, and their ilk stood in solidarity with these journalists and proclaimed to the teleprompter - "LET OUR AMY FREE".
I don't blame the pre-programmed officers, they fight for their funds and favors. They are fighting to keep their kids under a over-mortgaged roof. They are also upside-down, debt-loaded hardly a half-step from food stamps like the rest of us, in the debtor class. They are not the enemy. They can't see Amy as working for them. They misunderstand the ACTUAL BRUTE AMERICA. They see any questioning as a blasphemy unto the corporatist religion. It's a crime against the TERROR STATE, and the Code of the ROBOT CONSUMER. What, not interested in the latest car? Don't need to keep up with which temporary sports hero has the highest contract? It's incomprehensible. These people actually think for themselves!
These officers live in a proscribed world where danger and hate confront us daily. They may believe every Muslim hates justice and is heavily armed* and is coming to destroy their wives and babes in arms. They think every brown face that has traveled thousands of miles just to feed their children, is scheming to somehow send good jobs overseas. They misunderstand, the danger. They've misidentified the "perp". They have been programed to believe that they must subdue the dissenters. That they must gas, beat, concuss those damn peace-activists. There is a danger, say their Masters, that these dissenters might help others to escape on the Underground Railroad away from BORG-LIFE.
Where was Charlie Rose, and Dan Rather when Amy was being booked. Gore Vidal and Daniel Ellsberg can't be everywhere? Kurt Vonnegut has gone on to other battlefields? When the massive power of the state raided homes, and stole, NOT CONFISCATED, NOT SECURED, NOT LEGALLY GRASPED. Stolen from the hands of peace activists. Nothing, not the CONSTITUTION, not anyone, not Andrea Mitchell or Bill Moyers not Keith Olbermann or John Stewart stood beside Amy and her two producers to say - "We have a CONSTITUTION", "We have a 4th Amendment!" "We still have protections against Unreasonable Searches and Seizures?" Or don't we? "We still have a right peaceably to assemble?" Where are those brave strict constructionist, non-legislating from the bench, Supreme Justices, Alito, Thomas and Rogers? Where was Scalia when under cover of night the state, preemptively forced a five year old to the floor, and handcuffed him, with his hands behind his back. PROTECTING WHO? from what, Did he resist arrest with blanket?
So when Amy asked, "Why are you detaining two credentialed journalists," and was arrested herself, who exactly sanctioned the shredding of Habeas Corpus that afternoon?
At least in Chicago in '68 - Walter Cronkite, inside the cathedral of democratic choice - noticed and remarked on the destruction of the people's right peaceably to assemble. Too bad Walter Cronkite retired. Too bad Edward R. Murrow is dead. Buried with the last brave member of the fourth estate I suppose.
Did you notice, what was destroyed when Amy, Sharif, Nicole and the others, who dared to remember what rights we once had were detained? Can't you remember? The robots are not at fault - the programmers, and their well-paid willing drones inside that poisonous hive are to blame. These Killers for Peace, these presumed paper protectors of the unborn, oh so careless of the living. Beware the drones, high upon their 13 pieces of silver, proud enough to hunt from planes... creatures that still touch the living earth.t was destroyed when Amy, Sharif, Nicole and the others, who dared to remember what rights we once had were detained? Can't you remember? The robots are not at fault - the programmers, and their well-paid willing drones inside that poisonous hive are to blame. These Killers for Peace, these presumed paper protectors of the unborn, oh so careless of the living. Beware the drones, high upon their 13 pieces of silver, proud enough to hunt from planes... creatures that still touch the living earth.