Just when one thinks that Republican Presidential Pretender-candidate Donald Trump cannot stoop any lower, he now stoops to "disgusting" (his own term) juvenile bathroom humor about leading Democratic Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton. Meanwhile, the Donald's so-called base (these folks are, indeed, really base) appears to bask in the kindergarten imagery of Donald's disgust.
It would seem that Candidate Clinton returned to the most recent Democratic Presidential Debate a few seconds late from a bathroom break, for which she expressed regret. Hey, we have all been there and done that, and it would not even be worth mentioning were it not for The Donald's extensive commentary on the matter, which he termed 'disgusting.' Of course, what is really disgusting is that this Presidential Pretender would even bother to mention anything so petty and irrelevant. The reason this column takes it up, however, is that the continued misconduct of Donald Trump tells us much about his character and judgment. He should be running for "class clown" rather than for President of the United States of America.
Still, why should anyone be surprised that The Donald enthusiastically stoops about as low as one can go? After all, what else does he have going for him in this vital presidential campaign? His willing condemnation of an entire religion which has well over a billion believers? His warm regard for the president of Russia, whose positive remarks about Trump sound more like mockery than praise? His imagined visions of people jumping off of the World Trade Towers on 9-11-01, miles away from his location, while others were allegedly celebrating across the river in New Jersey via a video which has never been found? His endless lies, deceit, and puffery, combined with his zero substantive knowledge of national and world affairs? His use of the three B's: bluster, braggadocio, and bullying, in place of reasoned discourse and substantive ideas? Indeed, why does anyone take this buffoon seriously? The Donald's apparent present lead among likely Republican voters only serves to cast doubt on their own judgment as well as his.
When I was in third grade in New York City, we students had to ask permission to be excused to use the bathroom. This involved raising one's hand, being recognized by the teacher, making the request, and either receiving permission or, on occasion, being turned down. The entire process was embarrassing, and Billy, who sat next to me, preferred to avoid the entire issue as long as possible. That resulted in some foot drumming by Billy under his desk, as pressure apparently mounted, while he waited for the bell to ring signaling the end of that class followed by a bathroom break. I felt sorry for Billy then, and I still feel sorry for him even today, as he was mocked in the school yard for something outside of his control. That mockery may have been understandable in the third grade, but it is totally inconceivable among adults, and particularly during such a vital event as the 2016 presidential campaign. So, here is my message to The Donald: we are all Billy, Mr. Trump -- get over it, and get a life! Shame on you!
Author's Biography
Eugene Elander has been a progressive social and political activist for decades. As an author, he won the Young Poets Award at 16 from the Dayton Poets Guild for his poem, The Vision. He was chosen Poet Laureate of (more...)