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Disinformation Nation: War Criminals and Shills Dominate Media

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Donn Marten
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Dick Cheney 'This Week'
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With all that is currently going on with the Obama regime's continuation of the neocon war on the world - Iraq, Iran, Ukraine, Syria, Nigeria, Russia and the ongoing government war on civil liberties in The Homeland it was wholly expected that this past weekend's Sunday morning propaganda shows would feature a spectacular upchucking of bullshit to sell to the masses in the upcoming week. The major television networks and selected cable "news" titans certainly didn't fail as they trotted out a parade of fiends and war criminals with the heavyweights being right-wing Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu and arguably the greatest mass murderer in the history of the United States Dick Cheney for tour de force performances that will reverberate through the war machine echo chamber for days.

The weekly spin cycle of lies and shilling for the regime change du jour along with all of the accompanying fear-mongering and demagoguery actually got an early start when Cheney called out President Barack Obama in the pages of the crown jewel Rupert Murdoch media empire of sleaze The Wall Street Journal. Cheney and his daughter Liz wrote: "Rarely has a U.S. president been so wrong about so much at the expense of so many" conveniently forgetting the name George W. Bush as if he were Ronald Reagan in the late stages of his Alzheimer's Disease. That a man like Cheney is still able to command attention in this rotten star-spangled cesspool of war, avarice, surveillance and paramilitary police is a shining example of just how far that our once great country has fallen. Cheney at the very least belongs rotting in one of our for profit supermax prisons for his crimes against the Constitution and were the actual ideals of the Founding Fathers adhered to instead of reduced to bullshit political talking points he would long ago have been tried and convicted of treason and hanged just like all of those defeated Nazis were at Nuremberg, many who were guilty of lesser offenses than Cheney perpetrated.

The Cheney piece - along with the saturation media bombing of the entire cast of liars and lunatics responsible for the ruinous Iraq war in the first place who were given forums to defend their ar crimes set the table for the lies and deceptions to follow - was a national disgrace. I have to give it to Bush, at least he had the decency to stay out of the limelight while so many of those who were responsible for the hijacking of this country since September 11, 2001 did their victory tour. They were greeted as revered and credible figures as they revised history with the high-paid celebrity media personalities (some of whom themselves bear some responsibly for the death and destruction) gave them a free pass do do so.

There was also a bit of the now standard gratuitous sleaze directed at the patriotic NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden who on this week's Real Time With Bill Maher on HBO was smeared as a traitor and exposing the USA!, USA!, USA! to terrorist threats during an interview with Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Glenn Greenwald. In a segment that degenerated very rapidly into a shouting match between Greenwald and activist and Iraq war veteran activist Paul Reickhoff who is a reliable media go-to guy for his slimy insinuation that:

"There's a larger debate here if Snowden did release these documents and we find out it does serves a purpose. But at the same time he's still hiding in Russia. I mean, it would be a different story if he came back, and made his case, and faced the music,"

Maher is one of the most dangerous and effective propagandists in that (1) he is able to use humor in order to defend the warfare and surveillance state, and shill for Israeli human rights abuses, (2) his alleged atheism only serves as a cover from which he is able to launch his savage and virulent hate-mongering against Muslims, as vile as anything that appears at Front Page Magazine and similar sewers - and- (3) he is a total cheerleader for Barack Obama and like so many other Democrats has a double-standard in allowing him to get away with the same things that Bush was slammed for.

Reickhoff too is suspect in that he is far too cozy with major media outlets and also is guilty of wearing military medals that he was undeserving of. It was a perfect tag teaming meant to provoke Greenwald and slime Snowden as a Russian dupe, usually this stuff is confined to the political circus like the Sunday morning orgy of ass-kissing, pandering and narcissism but it is gaining crossover appeal by being delivered by a charlatan like Maher and promulgated by a guy like Reickhoff who is able to hide behind his military service and the national reverence that exists towards the cult of the uniform. During the Maher bit he comes off as a self-serving piece of sh*t in using the same tactic as fascists like Mike Rogers and Michael Hayden in saying that Snowden's revelations cost American lives but offering zero proof, he did however defend whistleblowing when it came to the VA scandal and his own organization's leeching off of it. Get a real veteran next time, not a mouthpiece like this guy who in his media-friendliness is essentially sleeping with the enemy.

But I digress..

On Sunday morning the defense contractor owned NBC outdid itself by bringing in Netanyahu for one of David Gregory's famous electronically delivered ass-kissings. The appearance was ostensibly to weigh in on Iraq but to really give Bibi another opportunity to campaign to the American public over his seething ancient religious hatred of Iran and relentless efforts to sink the deal on economic sanction relief in exchange for agreements on their civilian nuclear program. Bibi is first and foremost a liar and were he not the top dog in Israel he would be a natural for high office in our won contemptible and corrupt system.

The following is excerpted from the Meet the Press transcript:

P.M. BENJAMIN NETANYAHU: Thank you, David. Good to be with you.

DAVID GREGORY: Let me pick up on the reporting from Chuck Todd and hearing the president's comments. His cautious approach to intervening in Iraq: Do you fear that that could strengthen Iran?

P.M. BENJAMIN NETANYAHU:Look, I think it's a complicated situation. There are no easy answers. But what you're seeing in the Middle East today, in Iraq and in Syria, is the stark hatreds between radical Shiites, in this case led by Iran, and radical Sunnis led by Al Qaeda and ISIS and others.

Now, both of these camps are enemies of the United States. And when your enemies are fighting each other, don't strengthen either one of them; weaken both. And I think by far the worst outcome that could come out of this is that one of these factions, Iran, would come out with nuclear weapons capability. That would be a tragic mistake. It would make everything else pale in comparison. I think the ultimate and the most important goal in the Middle East is to make sure Iran does not have nuclear weapons capability--

DAVID GREGORY: To that point--

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Donn Marten is a free lance writer and consultant who resides in West Central Florida.

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