The Bush administration is writing a new Constitution & Bill of Rights for our nation. All of the old rules about search & seizure, due-process and the rule of law have been tossed out, for our own safety, ostensibly.
Why bother having checks & balances or a court apparatus for its enforcement, the Bush administration can simply claim national security and avoid review?
Congress has refused to police even the most blatant illegal and unconstitutional actions of the Bush administration.
After the Supreme Court ruling in 2004 that said prisoners held at Guantanamo could challenge their status in court, the Defense Department (DoD) stopped the flow of men into the facility and started diverting them to a more secretive prison in Afghanistan.
If Bush and Cheney are not held accountable, this administration will hand off to its successors powers greater than any executive has ever held -- more authority, concentrated in fewer hands, than the Founders would have allowed.
Tens of millions of Americans- 54%, are worried about the fate of the republic. It's time to open impeachment hearings on Bush and Cheney's misdeeds.
The Founders intended impeachment less as a punishment for officeholders than as a protection against the dangerous expansion of executive authority. If abuse of the system of checks and balances, lies about war, approval of illegal spying and torture, signing statements that improperly arrogate legislative powers to the executive branch, schemes to punish political foes and refusals to cooperate with congressional inquiries are not judged as high crimes, the next president, no matter from which party, will assume the authority to exercise some or all of these illegitimate powers.
We are experiencing a constitutional crisis and impeachment proceedings are the proper remedy. Unfortunately, key Democrats have financially profited from war & are blocking Impeachment hearings from taking place.
More than a quarter of senators and congressmen have invested at least $196 million of their own money in companies doing business with the Department of Defense (DoD) that profit from the death and destruction in Iraq.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi keeps impeachment "off the table"; she will not allow Judiciary Committee Chairman John Conyers to open impeachment hearings. Having authorized everything that Bush & Co. have asked for, the Democrats are equally as guilty.
At this late stage, it will be impossible to turn the need for accountability into action on Capitol Hill. But a national General Strike will lay down a historical marker; it tells Bush and Cheney and all those who succeed them that an executive branch that imagines itself superior to Congress and the rule of law will arouse popular fury.
The Impeachment Movement has two options at this point: 1. Remain irrelevant & continue to be ignored; or 2. Realize that the sheeple are not everyone else, in fact, "The sheeple is us." We know now that Congress won't do its job. It's our job now. Elected or not, Obama will not save the day. Our dollars and votes will not save the day. will not save the day.
We must wake up to this simple fact, and make history. Save democracy & restore the American dream. If we fail, we can look forward to war with Iran, $8 a gallon for gas, a second great depression & a new president/monarchy with unchecked & unlimited powers who controls secret prisons.
Speaking of Congress and democracy, did you know that in the year 1900, 75% of Congressional daily business was in service of "private petitions", brought to Congress by The American People. Today, that figure stands at 3%, meaning that 97% of all Congressional business originates from either the Representatives themselves, Corporate America, or professional lobbyists.
Now that was democracy. Sitting around waiting for someone else to do it for you is not democracy. Lobbyists writing our legislation, and think tanks deciding national and foreign policy is not democracy. We must restore democracy. To restore something you must lead by example. The founding fathers knew this, Gandhi spoke of it, the Solidarity movement in Poland is yet another example. Did they rely on the MSM (main stream media) to save the day? Of course not.
They could not rely on the media or on Congress, or even get a celebrity endorsement. And yet each of these movements succeeded, but how? Believe it or not, the founding fathers also forsaw a time when corporations would conspire with both parties and strip away the very freedoms they fought so hard for. And so, they left us a blueprint on how to restore democracy.
Step one: You need an unpopular, oppressive government. (Congresses approval rating is around 10%, the president's around 20%).
Step two: You need a populace that wants change. (80% of Americans are angry at the direction this country is headed).
Step three: You need a journal. Where do you suppose those slogans that we learned in civics class, like, "Give me freedom or give me death!" came from?
This step can not be ignored. This step changes everything. Because if you and I go up against Congress now, if we tried to force impeachment, we'd simply get the run around, as so many people are now learning as they call their Congresspersons to demand impeachment.
This step changes that. Instead of having to deal with just you and me, Congress, the msm and groups like will have to deal with millions of us. So how does this step work? It is simple. The founding fathers had no text messages, no faxes, no copiers, and no journal like Opednews or Newsvine where you can publish almost instantly. We have many advantages that they didn't. We need to make use of them.
Some of the easiest ways to mass distribute info is through Digg or Reddit. You join these groups just like Facebook or MySpace and vote every impeachment article up to their front pages. This will not be enough, though. You can also copy this article and paste it into every blog out there, but according to the blueprint, it still will not be enough.
Waking up enough sheeple will require many of us to become full-time activists. What does that mean? It means doing the same things we've been doing to help get these crooks elected. Bumper stickers, yard signs, mass mailings, ads, phone calls. Local calls are free, and politicians call on us all the time.
We can just as easily pick up the phonebook and start dialing numbers of our neighbors. Ask simple questions like, "Have you heard about the articles of impeachment?" If they have, we need to explain how nothing is going to become of them unless we get involved and start exercising our democracy. And if they haven't heard of impeachment, we can bring them up to date, because Kucinich has made this part real simple. All of the boring homework and documentation is already done. So to anyone who says that there are no real charges...tell them there are now.
We must wake up to this simple fact, and make history. Save democracy & restore the American dream. If we fail, we can look forward to war with Iran, $8 a gallon for gas, a second great depression & a new president/monarchy with unchecked & unlimited powers who controls secret prisons.
Speaking of Congress and democracy, did you know that in the year 1900, 75% of Congressional daily business was in service of "private petitions", brought to Congress by The American People. Today, that figure stands at 3%, meaning that 97% of all Congressional business originates from either the Representatives themselves, Corporate America, or professional lobbyists.
Now that was democracy. Sitting around waiting for someone else to do it for you is not democracy. Lobbyists writing our legislation, and think tanks deciding national and foreign policy is not democracy. We must restore democracy. To restore something you must lead by example. The founding fathers knew this, Gandhi spoke of it, the Solidarity movement in Poland is yet another example. Did they rely on the MSM (main stream media) to save the day? Of course not.
They could not rely on the media or on Congress, or even get a celebrity endorsement. And yet each of these movements succeeded, but how? Believe it or not, the founding fathers also forsaw a time when corporations would conspire with both parties and strip away the very freedoms they fought so hard for. And so, they left us a blueprint on how to restore democracy.
Step one: You need an unpopular, oppressive government. (Congresses approval rating is around 10%, the president's around 20%).
Step two: You need a populace that wants change. (80% of Americans are angry at the direction this country is headed).
Step three: You need a journal. Where do you suppose those slogans that we learned in civics class, like, "Give me freedom or give me death!" came from?
This step can not be ignored. This step changes everything. Because if you and I go up against Congress now, if we tried to force impeachment, we'd simply get the run around, as so many people are now learning as they call their Congresspersons to demand impeachment.
This step changes that. Instead of having to deal with just you and me, Congress, the msm and groups like will have to deal with millions of us. So how does this step work? It is simple. The founding fathers had no text messages, no faxes, no copiers, and no journal like Opednews or Newsvine where you can publish almost instantly. We have many advantages that they didn't. We need to make use of them.
Some of the easiest ways to mass distribute info is through Digg or Reddit. You join these groups just like Facebook or MySpace and vote every impeachment article up to their front pages. This will not be enough, though. You can also copy this article and paste it into every blog out there, but according to the blueprint, it still will not be enough.
Waking up enough sheeple will require many of us to become full-time activists. What does that mean? It means doing the same things we've been doing to help get these crooks elected. Bumper stickers, yard signs, mass mailings, ads, phone calls. Local calls are free, and politicians call on us all the time.
We can just as easily pick up the phonebook and start dialing numbers of our neighbors. Ask simple questions like, "Have you heard about the articles of impeachment?" If they have, we need to explain how nothing is going to become of them unless we get involved and start exercising our democracy. And if they haven't heard of impeachment, we can bring them up to date, because Kucinich has made this part real simple. All of the boring homework and documentation is already done. So to anyone who says that there are no real charges...tell them there are now.
In order to get involved, here are the five best steps to take now:
1. Go to: www.— Contact information for all the members of the House Judiciary Committee from their own official webpage. Call or write and let them know that you want Bush impeached. Support Dennis Kucinich's 35 Articles of Impeachment.
2. There will be ZERO mainstream media discussion of this. ZERO. So, we must BE OUR OWN MEDIA and promote it. Link to this site- from sites and blogs. Mention it with links in your comments on blogs. PROMOTE IT.
3. Join the Consumer Fast already underway. Click here: Shut'EmDown
CONSUMER FAST until Impeachment. Tell your reps in Congress you will not spend one more dime on non-essentials- Cut gas and energy consumption, buy local, reduce your FEDERAL INCOME TAXES via 40lk's and Roths...DIVEST out of stocks!! When Bush says shop, we have to stop !!
4. Sign up with your email address HERE in order to get updates,
5. July 3rd & 4th no school, no work, no shopping. SHUT 'EM DOWN! “Hit the Streets.” But why spend our time protesting in DC to be ignored? Unless we get in the streets outside our rep.s personal residences- who is going to care?
We need to mobilize locally- & demand national action. Few of us could go to Washington, DC- but many of us- can go to our city halls or state legislatures- or local Congressional offices.
Tell your rep.s that unless they impeach we will shut the country down in a General Strike to begin on 9/11/08