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Life Arts    H4'ed 3/8/15

Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity: A Summary by Dr Erica Mallery-Blythe

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Katie Singer
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This summary is an expanded section of a larger document entitled "Electromagnetic Health for Children". The full document is designed in response to requests for information detailing current health concerns of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) with a focus on radiofrequency (RF) radiation. This is an expanded subsection covering EHS only. Background:
We are currently witnessing the largest change to the Earth's electromagnetic environment that has ever taken place in human history.
This change has taken place in the very short period of a handful of decades and continues to escalate at an exponential rate (Appendix 1). Given that household electricity, which was the first anthropogenic (man-made) electromagnetic field (EMF), only became prolific after the turn of the century, artificial EMF has barely seen one generation from cradle to grave. The use of higher frequency microwave devices such as mobile telephony, Wi-fi and smart meters, have suddenly become commonplace despite almost no safety testing and decades of evidence of potentially lethal effects.
This has sparked a political and scientific debate that is gathering momentum on a daily basis, raising concern about the continued use of such devices. One may assume when witnessing the vast implementation of, for example Wi-fi in the home, school, workplace or public domain, that experts have provided sufficient evidence of safety to overwhelm scientific concern. This is not the case.

To read the rest, Download Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity: A Summary by Dr Erica Mallery-Blythe

Please check out this excellent resource-a fine companion to Dr. Mallery-Blythe's Fall 2014 lecture.

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Katie Singer writes about nature and technology in Letters to Greta. She spoke about the Internet's footprint in 2018, at the United Nations' Forum on Science, Technology & Innovation, and, in 2019, on a panel with the climatologist Dr. (more...)

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