This may be the shortest article I have ever written. However, I find it necessary for people to grasp when we hear that electronic voting machines are "flipping votes"- from Democratic to Republican. Many of our elder voters and those that don't understand computers or electronic data recording devices need to understand that these are not really "glitches"- - but evidence of voter fraud that is being perpetrated by the GOP, no shock to anyone that has witnessed two (2) stolen elections.
A computer or electronic voting machine, which is far less sophisticated than an actual computer is pure simplicity to those who understand programming and the elementary basics of how these electronics work. First, they respond to how they were programmed - period! When a voting machine switches your vote for a Democratic Candidate to a Republican Candidate, it's because the machine was programmed to do exactly that. There is no A.I. (artificial intelligence) in 99% of computers, and is wholly exempt from voting machines. These machines, provided by our "corapacy"- run on proprietary software that the manufacturers claim is intellectual property and therefore qualify as "trade secrets"- which are not open to public scrutiny. Placing something as sacred as the right to vote on privately-made equipment that refuses to release their code essentially gives up our right to fair and impartial elections.
The counting is being done by those who are NOW in power - the GOP. It's not who cast the votes who hold the actual power, but those who will eventually tally the results, an operation that is almost exclusively in the hands of the GOP. When a voter comes across a system that "flips"- his vote to the other party, that system should be taken out of service immediately, not allowed to keep running and "hoping"- that it won't flip any more votes. It will, as that's the way it was programmed, or is the alternative, modified (hacked) to fulfill the GOP's intent to steal another election.
Computers and other electronic devices do not have a mind of their own, and when your vote is flipped, you have encountered a system that has been tampered with, either through being hacked or by the manufacturer itself. I urge any voter that comes into contact with voting machines that flip your vote to raise holy hell and demand that the machine be taken out of service immediately. That particular system will continue to flip votes, and if people aren't careful, their much needed vote could wind-up being for the opposition, not the candidate you intended to vote for.
Vigilance and the guts to raise hell when you come across compromised equipment could help to save this election, but it will only happen if the public understands they are witnessing fraud, not computer glitches.
William Cormier