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Mike Malloy
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Four days until the election and the McCain campaign is sliding from bizarre into utter madness. The latest? The Old Pimp and the Ho from Wasilla are accusing  the Los Angeles Times of protecting Barack Obama by withholding a videotape of Obama attending a 2003 party for a Palestinian-American professor and critic of Israel, Rashid Khalidi. 

The paper said it had written about the event in April (and the date is key to the frothing hysteria now erupting from the Old Pimp) and would not release the tape because of a promise to the source who provided it. The Old Pimp insists Rashid Khalidi is a former spokesman for the Palestine Liberation Organization, a characterization Khalidi has denied repeatedly. But, you know, he's got one of them Ay-rab names and he's a (oh, no!) critical of Israeli policy in the Occupied Territories, and with a name like Rashid - Allah be blessed - he must be a Palestinian, and they're all terrorists don't you know. So, the hell with his denials. He's a Spokesman For Palestinian Terrorists!!!!

You see, this Secret Terrorist Khalidi is a professor of Middle East Studies at Columbia University and a longtime friend of Obama's. Khalidi has publicly criticized Israel, but he and Obama have both said they hold very different opinions on Israeli issues. But, hold on here. Just a goddam minute! Are we supposed to take the word of a Known Terrorist and a presidential nominee that we all know hangs out with a Known Domestic Terrorist that Khalidi isn't what The Old Pimp and The Ho From Wasilla say he is? I mean!

But, wait! What's this? McCain also has ties to Khalidi through a group Khalidi helped found 15 years ago. The Center for Palestine Research and Studies received at least $448,000 from an organization McCain chairs. WHAT???? An organization McCain chairs??? WTF????? And The Known Terrorist got half a mil?????? Then that means McCain is funding a terrorist organization! Right out in plain sight! Call Bush! Get Secretary Gates on the phone! Homeland Security!!!! Where the f*ck is Homeland Security!!!! McCain is giving hundreds of thousands of dollars to a Known Terrorist and his Known Terrorist Organization! Help!!! Police! Someone!!!!!
Wait . . . wait . . .WAIT A MINUTE!

The LA Times story came out when? Last April? And McCrazy said nothing then? Why not? Oh, wait, The Old Pimp is losing in Florida, right? His poll numbers are tanking faster than you can say "hanging chad," right? And . . . and . . . there are lots of Jewish voters in Florida, right? And, they can be easily fooled, right?

Remember when thousands of them voted for the proud anti-Semite Pat  Buchanan back in 2000? Well, then they can be fooled again, right?  Hey! Jewish Voters In South Florida!!!!! Listen up! The Arab Black Guy running for President - yeah, The Foreigner - well, guess what? He goes to parties and smokes hashish with a Known Terrorist. Another one. Only this one's named Khalidi! Not Ayers. Khalidi fer chrissakes!!!!!

And today on Rick Sanchez' program on CNN the McCrazy Campaign provided the viewers with a nutball named Michael Goldfarb - fonted as a McCain Campaign Senior Spokesman - who insisted Obama hangs out with all sorts of Palestinian Terrorists. When Sanchez asked this dork to name one the dork sat there staring into the cameras. Silent. For. A. Long. Time. Sanchez finally tried prompting the dork. "Name one?" The dork sat there. Finally the dork squeaked, "Well, Rick, we all know who I'm referring to." And Rick said, "No, who?" And the dork kept repeating himself. "We all know who it is" No, who? "We all know who it is." No, who?

This continued until Rick decided to exit The Land Of Really Crazy People and move back into reality and went to commercials.

John McCain has lost it entirely. He is mad. Nuts. Frothing, drooling insane. Please, god, G-d, Allah, Thor, Zeus, Hairy Thunderer, Cosmic Muffin, That Which Has No Name, any Deity listening, please, please make this stop!!!!!
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Mike Malloy is a former writer and producer for CNN (1984-87) and CNN-International (2000). His professional experience includes newspaper columnist and editor, writer, rock concert producer and actor. He is the only radio talk show host in America to have received the A.I.R (Achievement in Radio) Award in both (more...)
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