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OpEdNews Op Eds    H3'ed 10/28/18

From an 8% Jewish Guy

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Message Philip A. Farruggio
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This writer recently had a DNA ancestry done. In addition to my ancestry being overwhelmingly Italian, I found out two interesting things: I am both 8% Jewish and 8% Middle Eastern. My maternal great grandmother was German Jewish and my paternal grandfather had roots in Tunisia. Be that as it may, finding this all out recently has nothing to do with my sensitivity for the Jewish suffering during their holocaust of the 1930s and early 40s, or that of the Palestinians' suffering (by Jewish hands) for over 70 years. It just highlights things a bit.

Watching the news last night as to the horrific mass murder of Jewish worshippers in Pittsburgh by a far right wing crazy suspect, it gave me pause. I thought back to the march in Charlottesville at the University of Virginia campus last August by a white supremacist group. Sadly, many of the marchers that night were college students. They each carried torches (right out of Nazi Germany) and kept shouting "Jews will not replace us" over and over. Members of various anti fascist groups (named by the media 'Antifa') scuffled with them, and it carried over into the next day when an auto charged into an 'Antifa' crowd, killing a woman, along with a black man getting pummeled nearby, while the police stood by in an idle pose. Apparently, someone higher up in the chain of command over the Charlottesville PD had given orders for the cops to 'Stand Down' that day.

When our president finally made his first public comments he did not even mention what the Friday evening marchers were shouting! Never once! He kept referring to the marchers as there to protest the taking down of Confederate statues, like the one honoring Robert E. Lee. He purposely, it would appear, refused to go to the crux of the whole Friday march, that being the Nazi era torches and shouts of 'Jews will not replace us'.

Why did the mainstream media, the media he keeps calling 'Fake News' not hammer that point home, over and over? Where were all the Jewish supporters of Trump showing their distaste for their 'hero' and his lack of real concern over this matter? Where was the Israeli government and its leader Bibi Netanyahu showing their disappointment in Trump's cavalier attitude towards what those marchers were shouting? It is as if some 'hidden hand' or 'Wizard of Amerika OZ' was writing this script. Am I the only one to see this?

The question we all need to ask is how did this kind of lack of presidential, political and media leadership play in influencing (indirectly of course) the twisted minds of the two aforementioned authentic domestic terrorists? When you have weak minded individuals filled with misguided ideals and they notice that so-called leaders give 'license by omission of outrage', you can have horrific blowback.

One of the two suspects cherished Trump and his platform; the other guy had only disdain for him and it. Yet, both men could see that what was done in Charlottesville went by with no sense of outrage to the obvious - sh*t happens! sadly.

Philip A Farruggio

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{Philip A Farruggio is the son and grandson of Brooklyn, NYC longshoremen. A graduate of Brooklyn College ( class of '74 with a BA in Speech & Theater), he is a free lance columnist posted on World News Trust, Nation of Change Blog, Op Ed (more...)
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