That ancient aphorism about how history repeats itself would seem to apply most often to the failed episodes of history, in which profound mistakes were made over and over by nations -- as well as by historic figures playing key roles in those same nations. Case in point -- The America First Movement, a loosely organized national political movement of the 1930s and 1940s which grew out of a reaction and rejection of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, his New Deal, and interventionists allegedly led by Communists and British interests who were urging America into the Second World War. America Firstersoften expressed admiration for the Nazi Fuhrer Adolf Hitler and his Third Reich. Aviation hero Charles Lindbergh and industrialist Henry Ford were seen by many as key leaders of the America First Movement, which pretty-much ended with the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. At that point, America finally declared war on both Japan and Nazi Germany -- and thus Americans decisively rejected this isolationist America First Movement as a denial of our most basic international responsibilities towards our fellow nations, as well as being totally counter to our own self-interest.
Still, it is truly said that what goes around comes around, and Republican presidential candidate Donald J. Trump has now resurrected America First as his new campaign theme and slogan. This latest Trumpeting of a failed slogan, and of a failed movement which otherwise might well have lost World War II for the Free World, demonstrates once again the Trumpster s utter lack of any historic perspective, and his small knowledge of Twentieth Century history. But there is even more that is demonstrated, as America First is a campaign gaffe providing insight about Trump.
What is clearly shown, then, is that Donald J. Trump is, indeed, not really running for president at all -- rather, Trump wants to become our American Fuhrer, comparable to Nazi Fuhrer Adolf Hitler. As Fuhrer, Trump would control all branches and aspects of national government, just as he has advocated throughout his present campaign. His Oath of Office would become meaningless, just as Trump has already made clear by advocating torture and other cruel and unusual punishments a lot worse than waterboarding, to use his own wording.
Many other indicators of this Trump for American Fuhrer campaign have already surfaced. There is, for example, the violence at campaign rallies which is actively encouraged by Trump, who even promises legal assistance to any supporters arrested for beating up demonstrators. There is the hatred Trump and some supporters express for undocumented immigrants, Moslems, Mexicans, gays, liberals, Democrats in general, and President Barack Obama and Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton in particular. There is the jingoistic ranting and raving about making America great again and the full endorsement of American might as our right. And there is the unabashed endorsement of America s absolute right to world domination.
America, and the world, do not need a new Fuhrer; Americans must reject Donald Trump & his campaign of hate, demagoguery, and bigotry, decisively -- and the sooner, the better.