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How can you keep kosher when your rice pudding has human DNA in it?

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Linn Cohen-Cole
Message Linn Cohen-Cole

When GMOs aren't being associated with a threat to fertility, http://snipurl.com/bov4u or with diabetes, http://snipurl.com/bov6h allergies, asthma, http://snipurl.com/bov74, cancers, http://snipurl.com/bov87 and deaths, http://btcotton.blogspot.com/ or with biosurfdom, http://snipurl.com/bovbc if not outright destruction of farmers, http://snipurl.com/bovc2 or bribery, http://snipurl.com/bovg7 or takeover of universities, http://snipurl.com/bovi0 and land grant colleges, http://snipurl.com/bovn8 or removing democracy itself, http://snipurl.com/bovp5, GMOs violate fundamental religious principles across all four major world religions:


What does Kosher even mean if there is human DNA in rice?  http://snipurl.com/bowey

[T]hese age-old laws continue to have a significant impact on the way many observant Jews go about their daily lives. One of the more well-known restrictions is the injunction against mixing meat with dairy products. Not only do most Jews who observe kashrut avoid eating any meat and milk products together, many also wait a certain amount of time-30 minutes to a few hours-between eating meat and dairy. Everything the foods touch must be kept completely separate. A fully kosher household, for example, might have two or more different sets of flatware, tableware and cooking ware for making and serving meat dishes separate from dairy-based dishes. ...Outside the house, some Jews keep kosher by eating only at kosher restaurants.... http://snipurl.com/bows6

Rice pudding - a sweet concoction of milk and human DNA - becomes a profound religious violation.

And how does one organize a kosher kitchen to keep milk and "meat" from touching the same utensils when 70% of food in the grocery now contain GMOs?  Corn and soy, the two major US crops, are the bases of our processed food diet, yet are genetically contaminated with Bt, a bacteria.  Bacteria is animal, not vegetable.  Must one get down to DNA to sort things out in a kosher kitchen?

Corn engineered with human genes (Dow)
Sugarcane engineered with human genes (Hawaii Agriculture Research Center)
Corn engineered with jellyfish genes (Stanford University)
Rice engineered with human genes (Applied Phytologics)
Corn engineered with hepatitis virus genes (Prodigene)

And how would one do that? 

Or must observant Jews simply accept Monsanto (and others) has made a mockery of Jewish dietary laws, making them not only impossible but subjecting Jews to the nightmare of keeping milk separate from ... human DNA?

Lubavitch Rabbi Yossi Serebryanski ..., a kosher supervisor ... said he has "stopped eating tomatoes and only eats potatoes he knows are organic.  ... he fears that genes from non-kosher foods, such as pigs or insects, could be implanted in vegetables and Jews may unwittingly break kosher laws by eating them."... One Jewish man has even sued the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture (USDA) for failing to require labeling of products containing genetically modified foods, on the grounds that because of the laws of kilayim , his religious freedoms as a Jew are being violated if he cannot distinguish between GMO foods and non-GMO foods. http://snipurl.com/bp172


Muslims are already studying dietary religious issues with GMOs.

According to the Islamic Jurisprudence Council (IJC), foods derived from biotechnology-improved (GMO) crops are halal - fit for consumption by Muslims. Some scholars, though, have suggested that foods derived from biotechnology-improved crops could possibly become haram (non-halal) if they contain DNA from forbidden foods. For example, swine DNA in soy could make the soy product haram. This issue is still the subject of some debate among scholars and certifying organizations. Should a product be brought to market with a gene from a haram source, today it would at least be considered Mashbooh -- questionable -- if not outright haram.

What is considered a haram source?

(1) [A]nything that is harmful to the human body is Haram;  (See the list of diseases above.)

(2) Four types of food are clearly Haram-carrion, blood, swine, and dog flesh, and anything immolated to anyone other than God.  http://snipurl.com/bp0hw (Where would food from human DNA fall?) 

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