Part 3 is a progress tracking assessment of the Author’s Parts 1 and 2 predicted Russian tactics, strategies and outcomes.
Analyst Opening Statement: Each of the first two articles in this series unfortunately brought the trolls out in force, in almost predictable herd-like if not wolf-pack fashion as they do across the site, with an onslaught of their now signature angry, hostile and knee-jerk (canned) reactionary comments and messages, including uncivil personal and/or ad hominem attacks.
An approach seemingly embodied in a “my way or the highway, no room for constructive exchange with anyone they disagree with” attitude. Most would agree not a very progressive approach to open and constructive issue debate and change. Indeed the antithesis to Mssrs. Obama and Biden and their responsible and refreshing progressive approach to constructive dialogue and pursuit of change on all fronts. Perhaps this herd of individuals can take the time to watch the Democratic Convention this week to learn something as regards engaging in proper, functional progressive dialogue from these two very responsible and constructive change agent leaders.
BTW, the author will not respond directly to comments from uncivil people with apparent anger issues. If their goal was to have their comment immediately dismissed from consideration, than they were as successful as the Russian invasion of Georgia – very. While the Author will not dignify those commenters and their responses with a reply, he will on rare occasion however, engage a “civil intellect” in constructive debate on the issues, regardless of how similar or opposing the views are. Effectively, he will pursue civil progressive dialogue with those also so inclined and respectfully deserving of same.
With several exceptions (and to be fair, some of those commenters having uniquely different (from author) but very interesting insights), the rest of the comment group noted above, based simply upon the Author’s own concluding assessment of their collective uncivil angry attack mode comments on the first two articles, might best be collectively characterized in the author’s opinion as rabidly one dimensional Pro-Putin, Pro-Russian, and Pro-Commulism.
Effectively, their “no ifs ands or buts”, no discussion, uncivil, attack laden, no debate, knee jerk, blanket approval and full glowing endorsement of Russian leadership and the Russian “mission” in Georgia as solely “peacekeeping”, rather than in balanced fashion even constructively considering the possibility, based on all the data/facts provided, that it just might be invasion; the latter becoming clearer by the day as the original/real mission/purpose.
One would think however that even the most devout Putin proponent would at least struggle with that blind, almost fanatical support, if they ever acknowledged (which they haven’t) what South Ossetia really is. It’s indeed not known and rightfully so, for being a haven or refuge of and for defenseless widows and orphans. In fact, quite the opposite; being instead a global smuggling/criminal activity clearinghouse center and chokepoint.
Bottom line: South Osseita requires “policing, not peacekeeping”.
South Ossetia is renowned as a free wheeling nest of criminal activity, including nuclear weapons grade material smuggling. Evidence for example, a major Georgian government bust on the latter in 2006, even confirmed by the Russians.
But guess not, and based solely on their uncivil attack comments, the many Putin fans seemingly don’t care. Rather, proven smuggling in South Ossetia of weapons grade nuclear material activity apparently pales in their blind support of the rabble rousing (“Georgian” (not Russian) South Ossetian) separatists underpinning that elicit and very dangerous activity, all of which being a major threat to U.S. national security.
Had the Georgian government not pro-actively intervened in 2006 and thwarted that potentially catastrophic global impacting nuclear material exchange, that weapons grade nuclear material may very well (in fact probably) have landed in the hands of terrorists, e.g. Al Qaeda et al, admittedly eager to access or build and use a nuclear weapon. The threat of such a transfer has therefore now been proven real and with the effective (de-facto) post conflict permanent removal of Georgian military and police forces from South Ossetia by the Russians, that threat (risk) has now been compounded by two or more orders of magnitude – 100X’s. In fact, that type of activity can now continue, completely unchecked.
That perhaps being the “most ominous yet NOT reported” outcome from the recent conflict. If that most frightening outlook doesn’t wake up the Putin adoring trolls to what’s just been unleashed, then nothing will. That loss of “adult (Georgian policing/investigative) supervision” over this particular SO criminal activity (i.e. smuggling weapons grade nuclear material) should scare the hell out of any rational and sensible person.
See Part 2 for specific detail on the smuggling/criminal nature of the South Ossetia region, and specifically the weapons grade nuclear material event, excerpted here:
With the Russian incursion, Putin gains by having “no more Georgian interference in South Ossetia (the 2008 earth equivalent of the Star Wars (movie) criminal ridden Tatooine spaceport called Mos Eisley - recall the infamous bar scene) to disrupt sensationally lucrative criminal activity; nefarious activity propped up by the Russian military (vis-à-vis pre-conflict “peacekeepers”). This includes but is not limited to proven sophisticated counterfeit printing of very high quality U.S. currency (found in circulation in the U.S. up and down the east coast) and weapons grade nuclear material smuggling in this area.
Author's Note:
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