(Written by a U.S citizen, expat living in Germany)
Quote from Der Spiegel:
"Is Barack Obama a friend? Revelations about his government's vast spying program call that assumption into doubt. The European Union must protect the Continent from America's reach for omnipotence."We've all heard about Obama's recent visit to Germany , but what is the German press actually saying about President Obama and America, both now and in the recent past in view of the PRISM scandal and the economic decline of the American superpower?
Spiegel quote: World from Berlin: Prism Spying 'Attacks Basic Civil Rights'
The world has been scandalized to learn about Prism, the broad data surveillance program used by the US at home and abroad. German commentators say that both Berlin and Brussels must defend Europe from this invasion of privacy."
Spiegel quote: "A Monitored Human Being Is Not a Free OneAs someone who voted for Barack Obama twice, like many other Americans, I am worried. In fact, millions of us are worried and why is that" because America in the international media and increasingly in the European media is being portrayed as a "soft totalitarian state" .
What, exactly, is the purpose of the National Security Agency? Security, as its name might suggest? No matter in what system or to what purpose: A monitored human being is not a free human being. And every state that systematically contravenes human rights, even in the alleged service of security, is acting criminally."
The European press led by mainstream German magazine Der Spiegel asks, should the European Union build the tech backbone necessary to protect the civil rights of people living in the European Union?