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General News    H2'ed 11/22/08

Global warming - pill by pill, and seed by seed.

Linn Cohen-Cole
Message Linn Cohen-Cole
We have had such a fractured view of things that we miss the obvious, even around something we are desperate to fix.
First, the choice between drugs and natural supplements is a global warming choice.  
Look at the process behind each.
Drugs are coal tar-based synthetics or petroleum-derived.  Natural supplements are not.  Pharmaceuticals also use petroleum in their creation through running huge labs and factories of production.  Supplements come from plants that simply grow.  And if they are organic supplements, there is no petroleum-based pesticide or herbicide or fertilizer used at all.   
Second, the choice between genetic engineering and organic is a global warming choice.
Genetically engineered seeds are DESIGNED to require petroleum-based pesticides, and are typically paired with petroleum-based fertilizers.  In case of Monsanto, the GE-seeds and the petroleum-pesticides are both their products.  In fact, one could truthfully say that the GE-seeds are a means not only to sell the oil-derived pesticides, but to guarantee their sale.  
Even up against the money and PR force and rigged oversight agencies and control of media and use of government power used to crush alternative practitioners, the reality of the safety, greater effectiveness, and gentleness of natural healing has gotten out.  
Linus Pauling was the only person to ever win two unshared Nobel Prizes but when he said that vitamin C was a significant chemotherapy and one that was harmless of normal cells, the medical industry treated him like a quack and did two rigged studies to discredit him and to dismiss his work, saying it could not be replicated.  
From there a campaign to suggest that vitamin was even dangerous began.
The attempt by the medical industry and the drug companies (is there a clear difference anymore?) to discredit vitamin C continues.
Yet intentionally flawed studies continue, now conducted by the NCI to "tar" natural substances by using coal tar-based synthetics in their place (ones that have zero anti-oxidants in them) to "demonstrate" that the vitamins are worthless.
Vitamin is partly a threat to the pharmaceutical industry because it is cheap and unpatentable.  And, not only is it valuable in treating cancers but Pauling said that vitamin C can actually prevent and reverse heart disease.
Put aside the health issues.  We are looking at a a major global warming battle being fought.
And we are looking at a human rights issue as well, with government in collusion with industry keeping citizens trapped within a monopoly that is killing them.  But because we think so narrowly and work so narrowly, Amnesty is not involved nor is a single other civil rights or human rights organization.  Yet, this is clearly a question of fascistic control over human survival and with no escape.
To give only a few quick examples of the value of the simplest natural substances:
A study cherries showed they are potentially 10 times stronger than aspirin and ibuprofen in controlling pain.  What did the FDA say to the cherry growers after that great news?  Told them they could be imprisoned for even putting a link to the peer-reviewed studies on their website.
And yet Florida just put out a study saying that pharmaceutical drugs kill 300% more people than street drugs. 
I could not recommend more strongly that people read through this website for an overview of what has happened to "health" in this country.  
Even up against the money and PR force and rigged oversight agencies and control of media and use of government power to crush indenpendent farmers and natural health practices, the reality of the safety, greater effectiveness, and gentleness of natural healing has gotten out, and the safety, great productiveness, and earth-saving value of organic farming has been made.
And the negatives of genetic engineering are so endless that one couldn't list them all.
Pulling back from a health or farming to the larger picture being played out, we are looking at global warming winning in both cases -  through synthetic drugs and corporate-driven government regulations to eliminate all alternative practices and natural substance, and through genetic engineering and the corporate-driven government regulations to give free reign to genetic engineering and destroy small farmers with alternative natural practices.
And pulling back we see both in the global warming aspect and in the displacement of natural substances and NORMAL food, human rights violation on a scale that is so large that it is almost unfathomable.  We have government working for industry in keeping whole populations from access to pure food and natural substances they literally require to be healthy.
Vitamin C is being criminalized in Canada along with all nutrients which will be declared "toxins."  This Orwellian redefinition of reality springs from Codex Alimentarius something that any educated person should know about in detail since it is a plan set to destroy your life. 
And if you have never heard of it and are one of those liberals who believe they know more than rural conservatives, you might be surprised to know that I have never talked to a single farmer who didn't know about it and for years and hasn't feared it and doesn't curse it.  It is part of why they have a quite well-founded fear of a "one world order."  
As you read the following (from various Health Freedom organizations), ask yourself whether Obama's considering Tom Vilsack (or the even worse choices on his list) for the USDA, given Vilsack's closeness to Monsanto is "only about agriculture" or whether Obama's pledge to do something about global warming isn't being grotesquely betrayed, along with all of our human rights to survive.
Natural Solutions Foundation eAlert 
Urgent Action Alerts In This Issue

www.GlobalHealthFreedom.org    www.HealthFreedomUSA.org 
www.NaturalSolutionsFoundation.org   www.Organics4U.org

November 20, 2008



Protect Your Health and Your Health Freedom

FDA, both domestically and through Codex, has been trying to make information about the relationship of food and food components to health forbidden speech.  That includes supplements, of course.
As if that were not bad enough, they have come up with another ploy to make it illegal to ship supplements across state lines IF THERE HAVE BEEN ANY PUBLISHED HEALTH STUDIES ABOUT ANY INGREDIENT!  And we have only 5 days to stop them.
This is a diabolical, but brilliant, drug company-inspired double whammy:
Whammy Number 1: Under proposed FDA/Codex rules you cannot tell anyone about what nutrients and supplement can do for them because they are, say the bureaucrats, not "supported" in the scientific literature (despite the science called "Biochemistry" and millions of peer-reviewed journal articles)
Whammy Number 2: You won't be able to get supplements if what they can do for you has ever been documented in the scientific literature, as part of any medical study.  
It's Actually Even Worse Than That
In July, 2007, The FDA Amendments Act of 2007, Public Law 110-85, was adopted by the US. Congress.  With your support, Natural Solutions Foundation Health Freedom advocates fought hard to convinced Senator Harkin (R-IL) to force inclusion of language exempting dietary supplements from the provisions in the law.  That protective language is the law of the United States of America, enacted as section 1011, the DSHEA Product Rule of Construction.
The failed and corrupt FDA, however, in its relentless crusade to eliminate the rights of Americans to learn about or use the most significant economic competitor to pharmaceutical drugs has no respect for the law and no interest in either your freedom or your health.  They are currently promulgating regulations which would make it illegal to ship supplements across state lines.  This would accomplish both definitions of "Nutricide" as I have lectured and written about for years:
Nu tri cide (3 syllables):
1. The death of the body of knowledge about the relationship between health and nutrition
2. The death of large populations through the manipulation of the food [and supplement] supply.
Comments close on November 25, 2008 on a new regulatory sneak attack against supplements.  FDA regulations will, if the FDA succeeds, make the shipment of supplements across state lines illegal - get this - IF THE SUPPLEMENT HAS BEEN THE SUBJECT OF A CLINICAL STUDY.  
If you value


    • Your access to supplements and nutrients
    • Your health
    • Your freedom to determine what goes into your body
    • Your First Amendment Rights
then I urge you in the strongest terms to  click below NOW to help make sure that the FDA, at least this once, obeys the law of the land.
Last time the FDA tried something this awful, through the 2007 "Draft CAM Guidance",  the Natural Solutions Foundation alerted health freedom lovers.  Time was very short then, too but as a result, 588,000+ people came to our site to tell the FDA not to continue with its plan to turn nutrients into "untested drugs" and therefore make them all illegal.  The FDA system "accidentally' crashed so "only" 198,000+ people got their comments in but FDA got the message and backed off. 
We said at that time we counted their backing off as a triumph but that they would be back.  Well, they are back and they are sneakier and meaner than ever.
We have enormous power in the aggregate.  Now it is time to use it. Again.
Click the link below to use our power and back off the forces that are dedicated to taking away your right to use natural health optionsprevent and deal with illness - or even know what they can do for you - instead of high-profit drugs.
It is imperative that you tell your friends about this and have them take action, too. Forward this email NOW to your entire list with a little note at the top telling them that taking action now is vitally important to their health and to their freedom.
Keep Reading
Emergency Number 2 Coming Right Up, Courtesy of the Lame Duck Administration
Make no mistake - as the days of the Bush Administration draw to a close, Industry shills inside the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) are ramming through regulations (which acquire the force of law once finalized) which weaken protection for human and environmental health to a degree which leaves the observer nearly speechless. 
USDA has released a proposed rule gutting any meaningful oversight of GMO (genetically engineered) crops and allowing biotech companies to grow food crops engineered to produce drugs and industrial chemicals without protection for conventional or organic crops.  It is imperative to remember that GMO foods are deemed "substantially equivalent" because of a 1992 Executive Order by then-President George Bush, Sr., NOT because of any scientific or epidemiological studies.  It is imperative, too, to recall that the genetic material from these crops and animals enters the genetic material of humans or animals consuming it and mingles in totally uncontrolled ways with all plants once GMO crops are grown outdoors.  Once mingled, there is no one on the planet who can say with certainty what the short or long term consequences of that mingling will be.  All independently conducted science, however, shows, often to the surprise of the scientist, devastating health and environmental consequences.
Four years ago the FDA promised stricter oversight of GMO plants. None of the oversight promised has occurred and the new rule opens even wider holes in any regulatory restrictions despite the strong desire of US and global consumers to avoid GMO foods through labeling and selection.  The new rule will make that virtually impossible:


    • Biotech companies will assess their OWN crops to determine whether USDA SHOULD regulate them.  Since the criteria are loose, open and subjective, the outcome is assured: no regulation.
    • Biotech companies will be able to grow UNTESTED crops without any USDA oversight whatsoever, making, according to the USDA contamination of conventional and organic crops with untested GMO material "more likely".
    • This contamination does not bother USDA regulators since the new rule allows "Low Level Presence" of GMO material in BOTH conventional "organic" food, feed and seed.
    • Outdoor cultivation of pharmaceutical-producing and industrial material-producing crops is allowed without supervision or restriction.  The cross pollination of other plants, weeds, feed and food crops with this material is assured.  The consequences include drugs and industrial chemicals ending up in our food and animal feed.
    • The rule virtually assures that the DNA to produce these materials will wind up in our own DNA and that of the animals we eat. Both consumer and food industry groups have urged controls on this practice, but the USDA is determined to ignore that input.
    • USDA refuses to propose any controls on GMO plants which require or tolerate high levels of pesticide or herbicide use. Insects and weeds both adapt to the presence of these toxins and become resistant to them. Chemical resistant GMO DNA mixes with the genetic material of weeds and insects: an epidemic of super weeds and pests has already resulted.
    • In a move to vitiate State and local authorities from protecting farmers and consumers from these regulations, a last minute "correction"  bars state or local regulation of GE crops more protective than its own weak rule.
The USDA is following the lead of the FDA by opening new loopholes which make consumer and environmental protection meaningless.  The new rule will be of great benefit to Biotech companies who already have more than free reign to contaminate and then own the entire food stock of the US and beyond.
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Met libertarian and conservative farmers and learned an incredible amount about farming and nature and science, as well as about government violations against them and against us all. The other side of the fence is nothing like what we've been (more...)
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