The USA is a matter of world concern. Reckless borrowing, criminal financial manipulations and preemptive wars have spread the recession far and wide. Many groups profit from this descent among which are medical insurance and big pharma. If they continue, they will command 51% of the US economy in the next five years. Already, they take 30 cents from each premium dollar for advertising, administration and profit. They are the reason Americans pay twice as much for health care than other citizens of the industrialized world. Since the 2008 election cycle, the losers have mounted immense campaigns aimed to disrupt and to discredit the election winning administration. While offering no constructive solutions themselves, the losers attack every proposal that might lead to economic recovery. If they succeed in bringing Obama down, they could well bring down the USA with him.
Ironically, Rep. Jason Altmire [D-PA] of Sewickley/Ambridge supports H.R. 676 [single payer]. He is aware of the facts. John McCain garnered 55% of white votes, but he lost. The Republican Party has voluntarily shrunk its base to the radical fringe. They depend on a series of outrageous lies and distortions propagated by radio talk show hosts, FOX and CNN. Tolerated by main stream media and encouraged by the obstructions of Senators already in their pocket, the losers have made gains appealing to our worst instincts. They monger fear. With these tools they have held sway for three generations. Intimately, they know which buttons to push. Will they succeed in once again duping the public on the virtues of private health insurance? Perhaps. It wouldn't be the first time hatred has triumphed over common sense in the USA.
Fear, Denial and Politeness
high school classmates were all born in 1941. In the fall we will
have our 50th re-union. A couple of months ago, I joined them on Facebook a
little late. As I am the only one to live overseas [Israel], my health insurance plan
became a topic. I pay ten dollars per month for full coverage. Citing the low
premium, they projected their fears on me. They stated I would be dropped after
my first major illness. After I had told them I had five major surgeries, they
were skeptical saying I was lucky. I agreed neglecting to mention that Israelis
will stoop to euthanizing patients such as I [aged, infirm and not working].
When town hall riots became common, I suggested to my mates to dump private
insurance and to adopt H.R. 676 single payer. Politely, they told me that I had
lost touch with America
and didn't understand the country anymore.
Since they pay $12,000 for yearly coverage inferior to mine that costs me $120 per year, I guess they are right. Who can understand such people?
Death Panels
The real flap began when Sarah Palin began with the death panels for her Downs Syndrome child and her aging parents. My former classmates became too fearful to speak about it. Polls circulated around Facebook very one-sided.
I voted 'No, it's fine' in the poll! What's your opinion?
I voted
in the Death
Panel Poll along with over 14,789 other people.
Are you afraid of Obama's health care plan?
- Yes,
I don't want death panels
- Yes,
the government will waste money
- No,
it's fine
- I
don't kn ow
The votes split evenly three ways. One-third believes Obama will put old folks to death. Thirty percent fear that Obama's program will waste money. The remaining third is fine with the program.
commented on the poll. "There are no death panels, which are a Republican
lie to confuse and to frighten old people who have never read the bills under
consideration. The bills under consideration only pay a client's personal
physician to consult with his patient about... making a living will, which has
been in practice for the past 20 years.
The rest of it is pure fabrication paid for by the medical insurance industry,
written by advertising hacks at the Hoover
think tank and spouted by Palin, Gingrich and FOX.
They have 30% of your insurance premium to play with because they do not pay
medical bills with the 30%.
In short, the Republicans are operating a criminal confidence scam. Since death
panels do not exist, this poll is part of a criminal fraud against all
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