Hello Votestrikers!
I hope that you are holding up through this complex and trying time in human history. Of course, I know that many of us aren't.
As for Votestrike, last year, we had people joining who were mostly with PhD's. Since creating the new site, we have a much more diverse group, and much smaller. Unfortunately, most people who signed on last year saw this as a short battle that could be won through one day of striking. I don't want to burst anyone's protective bubble, but I've been fighting the same enemy for 25 years and before I came along, there was a whole list of better men than myself who gave their lives fighting this SAME enemy.
Last year, the visible namable enemy to civilized people was GWB, so we fought him and his criminal policies. We're still fighting to get him arrested. But that remedy is no more than a vehicle by which mass support can be garnered for something at least as substantial: a bank boycott. (The masters behind the puppet).
Let's not put aside the atrocities GWB committed against the American People and the world at large, but let us also not negate the weight of GWB being only a puppet of distraction and convenience of the greater evil.
March 2009 provides us with a unique oppurtunity to bring millions of people into our economic corporate-globalist boycott. We can bring OUR power back to The People, where it ALWAYS belongs.
Our strike dates are featured on over 50 websites and blogs including Michael Moore's website under things to do. Our Youtube videos are being replayed on a cable station in Chicago. Our strike has been mentioned on satelite and internet radio, and dozens of VoteStrikers are passing out flyers around the US and planning demonstrations in their neighborhoods.
My complete strategy for those who are interested is published here: http://votestrike.webs.com/revolutionfordummies.htm
FOR "MARCH ACTION", I need/request your help as follows:
I have created flyers, articles and videos which are all Strike! related. I am busy spreading them far and wide. Below are what we have posted so far. Please spend a few minutes looking them over and then find 1 favorite article and 1 or 2 favorite videos: