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Holyland II: Where are Judge Rosen's Verdict and Sentence records of former PM Olmert corruption?

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The Holyland corruption scandal originated in bribes taken by former PM Olmert. Israeli media reported a year ago that Olmert was convicted and sentence to a 6 year prison term, of which he hasn't served so far a day. Overnight, Judge David Rosen became a national hero in the war on government corruption. However, the Verdict and Sentence records are nowhere to be found... The case again demonstrates the fraud in design and operation of the Israeli courts IT system -- Net-HaMishpat. Corruption of the courts and the legal profession is a central cause of the socio-economic and political conditions in Israel today.

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Former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and his secretary Shula Zaken on the background of the monstrous Holyland complex, building of which was enabled though bribing by developers; Judge David Rosen of the Tel-Aviv District Court


OccupyTLV, March 21 - Joseph Zernik, PhD, of Human Rights Alert (NGO) has filed a request to inspect and to copy court records in former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's Holyland corruption trial. [1] The request pertains to duly executed Verdict and Sentence records of former PM Ehud Olmert and his secretary Shula Zaken.

In Israel, public access to court records is extremely restricted, and a request must be filed with the judge, presiding in the case, to inspect court records.

Israeli media extensively covered the case all along. In March through June, 2014, media reported that Olmert was convicted and sentenced to a six year prison term, of which he hasn't served a day so far. Overnight, Judge David Rosen became a national hero in the war on government corruption in Israel. [2]

However, as usual, Israeli media reports were based on pronouncements by Judge David Rosen in open court, with no supporting records. That, even after the Israeli Ombudsman of the Judiciary in his 2012 report documented that Israeli judges today do not consider their own pronouncements of decisions and judgments in open court binding.

Review of public court records in this case in Net-HaMishpat - the new IT system of the Israeli courts - failed to discover any duly executed Verdict or Sentence records for either former PM Olmert or his personal secretary Zaken. [3] Regardless of the extreme restrictions on public access, verdict and sentence records are public records in Israeli law. However, in this case, in contrast with other criminal cases of Judge David Rosen, no duly executed verdict or sentence records were discovered for either Olmert or Zaken.

Missing court records are a cardinal sign of court corruption, particularly so in a criminal prosecution, here -- verdict and sentencing in a case of the highest public policy significance.

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The "Judgments" section in Net-HaMishpat -- IT system of the Israeli courts -- in State of Israel v Zerni et al, criminal prosecution of the Holyland corruption scandal. Three records appear in the list:

a) 2014-05-13 Judge Rosen's Sentencing of Olmert and most other Defendants -- is an unsigned record, which is docketed as "Instruction to the Prison Authority to provide opinion re: Avraham Feiner".

b) 2014-06-09 Judge Rosen's Sentencing of Avraham Feiner, which was separately rendered -- is docketed under "Judgments" as "Instruction to Supervisor of the Prison Authority to provide an updated opinion re: Avraham Feiner".

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Dr Zernik's core research pertains to e-government and its significance for Human Rights and Civil Society.

His work won appreciation in Israel and abroad: * Prof Uzzi Ornan - "All power to you! I hope that you see your tremendous efforts (more...)
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