Barack Obama waited until he became President to become blatant about his corruption: his stay-out-of-jail-free tickets for all the banksters who had profited from causing the 2008 collapse, his record-low prosecution-rate regarding all of the financial elite crooks (even though Obama came into office right after an orgy of elite criminality in which banksters had defrauded the world's investors with faked AAA-rated MBS securities that they knew were trash ), his increasing the U.S. production of global-warming fuels, his sell-outs to the military and to the NSA-CIA industries, his violation of his campaign promise to provide a public option in his Obamacare (promised so as to keep premiums down), and his appointment of 20 campaign bundlers to ambassadorial posts (sales of ambassadorships so bad that veteran diplomat Thomas Pickering expressed dismay that Obama was blatantly selling so many of these posts to the highest bidders).
Hillary Clinton isn't waiting to be elected as President in order to sell out. Not only did she while First Lady sell out to the HMO industry in crafting her convoluted national health-insurance plan, and while Secretary of State prop up instead of let fall the fascist junta that had just ousted Honduras's progressive and popular democratically elected President, and not only is she a big booster of the same Wall Street firms that Obama is protecting from prosecution, but she now has been consistently selling out to Big Oil & Gas. She is a champion of deregulation - the same sort of thing that has been profiting the aristocracy while it is impoverishing and poisoning the public.
The few anti-global-warming activists can just go roast in hell as far as she is concerned. First of all, while she was the U.S. Secretary of State, responsible for an environmental impact evaluation of the Koch brothers' proposed Keystone XL Pipeline to export to Europe (via their Corpus Christi refineries) the world's dirtiest tar-sands oil from landlocked Alberta Canada, her State Department produced an environmental impact statement that was a triple-hoax : It refused to estimate the impact that the Pipeline would have on global warming; it was itself subcontracted out to an oil company services firm; and that petro-friend subcontractor had no climatologist. The coup de grace of her sell-out on global warming, however is this:
On 2 October 2013, Joe Romm at Think Progress headlined "More Bad News For Fracking: IPCC Warns Methane Traps Much More Heat," and he reported that, "The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reports that methane ... is far more potent a greenhouse gas" than previously known, so bad it "would gut the climate benefits of switching from coal." And then, just five days after that stunning report, Jon Campbell in upstate New York headlined "In Oneida County, Hillary Clinton Touts U.S. Oil-and-Gas Production," and he reported that at Hamilton College she praised fracking for methane, by saying, "What that means for viable manufacturing and industrialization in this country is enormous."
So: to what corrupt big-money faction won't she sell out? After all: she's not even President yet.
NOTE (public disclosure and explanation): I am a progressive Democrat, and, as such, would never even consider to vote for a liberal who would split the vote in a general election and thus cause a Republican to win. Republicans are conservative; I am progressive. I was thus strongly opposed to Ralph Nader. My political commitment, therefore, is to get the Democratic Party to nominate and win with progressive candidates. I thus would support - for the Democratic Presidential nomination - Elizabeth Warren, or Sherrod Brown, or Bernie Sanders converted to the Democratic Party, or else Alan Grayson (whichever one of those four people would be the first progressive to enter the contest for the 2016 Democratic Presidential nomination); but I would never support Hillary Clinton to receive any Democratic nomination whatsoever, and I believe that her record is actually so corrupt that if she were to win a Democratic nomination, I would abstain from voting, because I see her as being at least as corrupt as is Barack Obama: a traditional Republican dressed deceptively in modern "Democratic" verbal clothing. I am not merely against corrupt politicians; I am for politicians whose records suggest that they would fight vigorously against corruption if they were to win power. That is the political perspective from which I write, and is the basis for this article.
Investigative historian Eric Zuesse is the author, most recently, of They're Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records, 1910-2010 , and of CHRIST'S VENTRILOQUISTS: The Event that Created Christianity .