A lot gets filed under "conspiracy theory." King's murder. WMDs. Rigged voting machines. Though it has turned out there was good reason for suspecting all three official versions. "Conspiracy theory" is label given to things so people don't investigate, so they are marginalized. It's like calling people "kooks" which, if anyone remembers, included mothers and some doctors saying breast feeding was healthier than bottle feeding, as was having fathers in the delivery room. The slurs against those who resist officialdom's certainty and control continues, with a growing objection to mandated vaccinations at a time when vaccinations are suspected of being linked to autism. And no one needs to strain to think of what anti-war people were called during Vietnam or even with Iraq.
Freedom of thought seems to be okay so long as it is not attached to freedom of speech that asks serious - and extremely important - questions of authority. I have been told by people on Dailykos not to touch 9/11, it could get me thrown off. I have had a close journalist friend say it will marginalize anyone who touches it.
The ads "about" high fructose corn syrup are in that vein. Put out by the Corn Refiners in the US, they mock anyone who even begins to say they heard some worrisome thing about HFCS. The point of the ad - and I can't think of another that attempt to do this - is to suggest that anyone who raises the topic itself will be humiliated. It is a warning not to even talk about a subject involving all our health. That's impressive. Who designs such a bizarre and undemocratic-at-its-core ad?
With the timing so perfect for such a shhh-ing ad ....
"Researchers have found new evidence that soft drinks sweetened with high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) may contribute to the development of diabetes, particularly in children. In a laboratory study of commonly consumed carbonated beverages, the scientists found that drinks containing the syrup had high levels of reactive compounds that have been shown by others to have the potential to trigger cell and tissue damage that could cause the disease, which is at epidemic levels." Click here.
So, in the midst of an epidemic in which type 2 diabetes has increased by 90%. Click here. The public is being told by ad companies paid by corporations, that anyone who mentions HFCS will be mocked. Marginalized. Shut up. Isn't that what they are telling us - about a product that appears linked to an epidemic of illness and death across the country?
So, now I come to 9/11, a subject I avoid personally. Never liked how it was used to inflame hatred and all that flowed from it. Didn't read about it, didn't want to hear about it. But on election night, I happened to read an Oped News article that included scientific studies and videos. I don't know why I looked but I did. I am a logical person and in very basic ways, a mechanical one, and now I am having trouble with what I saw. I kept looking at the buildings falling and I reading the scientists' comments that it isn't possible for airplanes to have caused them to fall in that way and I read the government explanations and went back again and again to the video and to the scientific data and ....
So, I am in a quandary. The science and what I saw with my own eyes and what makes logical sense don't fit what we were told.
Then, the other day I saw a video by a Catholic priest in the UK. And my journalist friend had warned me after the first article and before the YouTube video, that it's a waste of time to go down that road. But the priest said we are faced with an immense, world-changing lie. So, concerned and not wanting to be alone with my own thoughts, I sent both links out to people.
"Somehow, given the astounding things that have happened to all of us recently - the sheer scale of moral bankruptcy and cruelty - I listen and read the following with a new eye and ear. Anything that uses us now seems possible these days ...
I hope my sending this (out of my own confusion and concern about it), doesn't make you think less of me. I was taught we are supposed to have courage to look at things - even about very hard things - and think. The fact that we are somehow not supposed to think about this, makes it seem all the more important to do so, at least privately.
So, I am just passing this on, with no position taken. The first video is of a Catholic priest. The second is material from mechanical engineers, including from MIT.
One person responded this way:
"This stuff gets filed under conspiracy theory :-( There is a lot of it going around, as I recall this is the hardest to debunk. I believe the Bush administration has committed many sins of omission on9/11, but there are no sins of commission. Not even they are that low ..."
And I responded:
"The thing is, if they are that low and we face that, what happens? We subtract "terrorism" from an explanation for things and in doing so, we take the driving force for world destructiveness and for police state control everywhere, away. We would suddenly see that our enemies are not our enemies but those who are running wars and Guantanamo. We would see the world entirely differently.
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