I don't care if you are Left-wing, Right-wing, doctor, lawyer, candlestick maker, sailor, laborer, Indian chief or cab-driver, you are all, middle-class and working-class, the targets of an unconscionable, global full-court press by what is now an international plutocracy seeking to turn you all into serfs and slaves to every whim and spin of their gambling casino roulette wheels. They have so jimmied governments and their treasuries throughout the world, so perverted the original intent of banks and the financial sector, so undermined political institutions throughout the planet, through subterfuge and bribery, that we truly are much like victims in the movie The Matrix, deluded into fantasizing a flowery virtual reality all the while we are really hanging on the meat rack as a mechanistic, alien vampire culture sucks away at our blood, marrow, psyches and energy.
From The Matrix (source)
And if they lose at the gambling tables, well, not a problem for them at all, because we have also been co-opted into covering their loses from here to eternity so long as they can control politicians and major medias. Medieval feudalism was not this bad, because feudal lords were held, through ritual oaths (at least so long as they honored them) to promote the well-being of their serfs. There is no such bond today between predator capitalists and their millions of victims, all objects of exploitation and contempt.
It is time to heed the advice of someone like Dr. Gerard Dumà ©nil of the University of Paris, one of foremost authorities on NeoLiberalism in the world, who had this to say about the current global economic crisis on The Real News Network on March 30-31:
Just to tell you that if a government, if a society, if upper classes use the circumstances of a crisis to encroach on the purchasing power of worker, they can do that, absolutely, tremendously and absolutely frightening manner. I'm not saying that now they will divide the purchasing power of workers by two in Greece or in the United States; I'll just tell you that things like that happen in the world. Okay? So workers have to be absolutely careful, you know, to resist what is happening now. Workers are not responsible for the present crisis, and these classes are using the present crisis in order to transfer the burden onto the popular classes in order to impose even more, you know, to a larger degree, the violence of neoliberalism on that. So what is needed now is, of course, resistance. But it's very easy, you know, from a university to tell the people, "You need to resist; it's extremely important for you." The real difficulty is to do it. Okay? And it's so dangerous, as you know. (source)
Part 1 of The Crisis of NeoLiberalism:
Part 2 of The Crisis of NeoLiberalism:
Humans of the world, unite, unite and resist, resist, resist! Take back the Rights of Man that have been stolen from you! Reestablish democratic institutions from below, from the grassroots. Reject the elitist bullshit of the Robber Barons, their self-serving ideologies and double-speak philosophies that have one real aim, to subjugate you to their willpower and agendas.