Glenn Greenwald in his piece, "To Protect Hillary Clinton, Democrats Wage War on Their Own Citizens United Argument" [1] , hit it right on the mark.
"For years the Supreme Court's 5-4 decision in Citizens United was depicted by Democrats as the root of all political evil."
But now...Clinton supporters...defend the huge amount of corporate cash on which their candidate is relying."
"The key argument of the right-wing justices in Citizens United, 'independent expenditures, including those made by corporations, do not give rise to corruption or the appearance of corruption' has now become the key argument of the Clinton campaign and its media supporters to justify her personal and political receipt of millions upon millions of dollars in corporate money".
So the question arises to Democrats supporting Hillary Clinton? If Citizens United IS supposed to be the root of all political evil-which was believed to be a given-why is it now acceptable for Hillary to rake in millions in corporate cash for her campaign and her corporate speaking engagements? This is simply hypocrisy.
What it says is Democrats supporting Hillary have no core beliefs, no integrity and will bow to expediency if it suits their purposes.
Is it any wonder the white working class has all but abandoned the Democrats believing as they do Dems speak from both sides of their mouth and deserve no respect.
And finally the argument, "Well, she's better than what's on the other side"-meaning a Trump or Cruz becoming president.
But consider; If Hillary does get the nomination the animosity toward her is so deep it won't just be Repubs not voting for her but also the people supporting Bernie who in droves will either sit out the election or vote for the Repub.
The assumption by the Clinton camp once the nomination is secured there'll be plenty of time to reach out to disaffected Bernie supporters and "heal" the wounds from the nomination campaign fight is wishful thinking.
Bernie's supporters-most of them young-aren't going to simply return to the Democratic fold. That may also be the case of Bernie supporters not so young.
In fact with both Democrats and Republicans parties hardly representing the interests of the people this could be the time (after this election cycle) ripe for a new, all inclusive independent 3rd party to get off the ground running with "money out of politics" as its primary focus.
That would seem a logical step for disaffected Dems and Repubs to turn to.
[1] "To Protect Hillary Clinton, Democrats Wage War on Their Own Core Citizens United Argument", by Glenn Greenwald, OPEDNEWS, The Intercept, April 14, 2016