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ISRAEL: Attorneys from a non-existent law-firm appeared as Public Defenders for whistle-blower Rafi Rotem...

Joseph Zernik
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The typical response by Israeli attorneys: "You are focusing on immaterial procedural details..." If it didn't look like the defendant was going to end up in prison, it would be funny...

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The sign on 2 Block Street, in the center of Tel-Aviv, of a law-firm that never existed... But two of its attorneys appeared in court as public defenders for the whistle-blower Rafi Rotem, and one of them purportedly consented for conduct of a criminal prosecution with no witnesses...

Whistle-blower RafiRotem in one of the many false arrests by Israeli police.

Tel-Aviv Judge Yael Pradelsky permitted a series of unauthorized attorneys to appear as Public Defenders for whistle-blower Rafi Rotem. She is suspected for faking a protocol and decision that permitted admitting evidence with no witnesses in this criminal prosecution...

National Public Defender Yoav Sapir - so far refuses to respond on demands to take actions to stop the charade...

Tel-Aviv Public Defender Elkana Leist: "We checked with the defendant, and he had no complaints"... Defendant says nobody from the public defenders' office ever talked with him..._____

OccupyTLV, September 17 - for over a decade, the Israeli courts have abused Rafi Rotem, the Tax Authority whistle-blower. [i, ii] Today, he is homeless and penniless. Now, he is also criminally prosecuted for "insulting public servants".

A series of policemen, who routinely falsely arrested him, beat him up, humiliated him, and denied him equal protection, filed complaints that he insulted them... [iii]

And in the Tel-Aviv Magistrate Court, Judge Yael Pradelsky's conduct is not much different...
In a hearing on May 26, 2014, a person identified in the Protocol only as "Attorney Sadeh", with no first name and no law-firm, with no certificate of counsel of record, no statement on the record of his full name or authority, appeared as public defender. [iv]

According to the same protocol, this person initiated (but with no filing of a motion) or consented to conduct of the prosecution, in which evidence may be admitted with no witnesses, without the defendant's knowledge and without the defendant's consent.

In fact, defendant did not even know about it, until inspection of the court records in this file was conducted. Defendant and others who were present in the hearing did not remember any of it taking place in court either.

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Dr Zernik's core research pertains to e-government and its significance for Human Rights and Civil Society.

His work won appreciation in Israel and abroad: * Prof Uzzi Ornan - "All power to you! I hope that you see your tremendous efforts (more...)
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